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Closed Help please

Discussion in 'Archived' started by hashim86, Apr 7, 2011.

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  1. hashim86

    hashim86 New Member

    Hi guys,

    I am actually having my graduation project this semester, and I am developing a web site for a hospital that allows the patient to register their own username and have their passwords so they can reserve their appointment and check the medical tests result and so on.

    What I am missing, is the template that I will work on, can anyone help me with this? any ready template for health or related to health?

    Thanks in advance,
  2. Geoff Tyrer

    Geoff Tyrer Member

    You will need more than a simple HTML/CSS template to do this. You will have to store data on the web server and manipulate it using server-side code. You will either have to write this yourself or find a customizable package.
  3. hashim86

    hashim86 New Member

    I only need the template design that I will use for the website, other than that, the database is ready, and I only looking for a good template to start programming.
  4. tomw

    tomw Member

    Although there are no templates here at FWT designed specifically for health related website but with modification some might meet your need. You can also look through some other open source template sites such as OWD, OD, and GFWD. Good luck with your project.
  5. johnyb74

    johnyb74 New Member

  6. Ruthe

    Ruthe Community Manager

    Hi Hashim,

    Thank you for your request.

    Previously, your template request had to be put on hold due to insufficient resources; we are now pleased to announce that the template request forum will be relaunched on 24 March 2014.

    In appreciation of your patience and loyalty all these years, we would like to invite you to be among the first to have your customized template produced.

    If you would still like for this same template request to be processed, please reply to this thread within 30 days of this post and we will begin working on it as soon as possible.

    Please note that any request to accept this offer after the above stipulated period will not be entertained.

    I look forward to seeing you on FWT again!

    :) ruthe
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