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Legacy Metal band logo really needed!

Discussion in 'Archived' started by Airster130, Aug 6, 2010.

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  1. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    Thanks, give me a couple of hrs as in the middle of something, but feel free to do a few site reviews ;)
  2. DPbrad

    DPbrad New Member


    Threw one together for you...
  3. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    Nice DP, this will give Airster130 something to think about....

    I have posted this with watermark until he/she decides and have done it with a trnsparent back ground, so it can be put onto any back ground;

    Attached Files:

    • otd3.png
      File size:
      93.6 KB
  4. DPbrad

    DPbrad New Member

    Nice, mine is also transparent but I always put it on a gradient background for some reason. :)
  5. Airster130

    Airster130 New Member

    Oh god! I love both of them.....uhhh....hard choice! Will you too please send me them both though mail? Without your names on them? And with a transparent backround? Then I'll show both of them to the rest of the band. And we will decide. Thank you so musch! They both look amazing!
  6. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    Hi There.

    At present do you think a decision can be made via this thread, as if you do not use my design I cound well jig it about for another request.

    You could just right click on the image and save as jpeg, the watermark does not obscure the overall design as most is clear to see?
  7. Airster130

    Airster130 New Member

    Alright. Sorry for the misconvience. I will show these to the rest of the band and I'll be back on to tell you my desision.
  8. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    No need to be sorry!!! As you are deciding on a logo to make your band stand out, be recognised and possibly last the life span of the band????
  9. Airster130

    Airster130 New Member

    Haha, yeah. Well I'll be back and I'll tell you probally later. So look back sometime.
  10. Airster130

    Airster130 New Member

    We made a decision. Were gonna make use DP's. Thanks for trying everyone. Will you please sent me it DP?
  11. DPbrad

    DPbrad New Member

    Sure, no problem.

    I will send you the files in a few minutes...
  12. Robbidude

    Robbidude Banned


    Did you ever get the logo you were looking for? Just wondering... Robbi

    Link removed - mod
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