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Websites How to make templete?

Discussion in 'Reviews' started by jackdalson, Apr 28, 2010.

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  1. jackdalson

    jackdalson Banned

    Hi Friends,

    i am newbie in this designing field, i want to design site template. i had made one site address of this is utahwebdesigning.com please see this and let me know, is there any need to do change. if yes suggest me how?

    Thank You for given me time from your busy schedule. i hope you will help me.

  2. chithra

    chithra New Member

    • Use CSS as much as you can. This will hide your CSS elements from your users and make your template much easier to maintain.
    • Use a fixed width design. If multiple columns are desired, the width of all columns should be all fixed.
    • Put all files you use in one folder. This include CSS files, image files and javascript files. The HTML template should be named "template.tmp".
    • Test your design on all browsers you can get your hands on, and validate your code using W3C's validation service.
  3. otheris

    otheris New Member

    CSS is helpfull.
  4. ArtOfWar

    ArtOfWar New Member

    Design one first then learn to code it >.<
  5. canberraphotos

    canberraphotos New Member

    It 's right !
  6. nevaeh.aaric

    nevaeh.aaric New Member

    If you wish to design your own template, here are some design guidelines. You'll need to design your template in your own webspace. When you're done, one of our system administrators can add it to the departmental installation.

    Use CSS as much as you can. Do not define top level CSS classes, instead, use ID selectors exclusively. This will hide your CSS elements from your users and make your template much easier to maintain.
    Use a fixed width design. If multiple columns are desired, the width of all columns should be all fixed. The WYSIWYG editor does not work well for fluid designs. It has to know the width of your page/column in order to be truely WYSIWYG.
    Put all files you use in one folder. This include CSS files, image files and javascript files. The HTML template should be named "template.tmp".
    Test your design on all browsers you can get your hands on, and validate your code using W3C's validation service. This is to ensure your code is standard compliant and works for as large an audience as possible.
  7. Sinclair951

    Sinclair951 Banned

    I am too a newbie to this forum.
    I hope this is a place to gain knowledge and share views with others.

    (Link Removed)
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