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Legacy Logo request

Discussion in 'Archived' started by yeahbuddyia, May 17, 2010.

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  1. yeahbuddyia

    yeahbuddyia New Member

    Hi all and thanks in advance for any assistance!

    1) What is your website address (ex: http://site.com ; Site Name)?
    Listings | RentCorridor

    2) Description of your website:

    Is going to be a home / apt rental site specific to this region based on a great free template/script offered by the designer of pickrent.com. Basically I'm considering a way that this could be used as a regionalized portal more so than an individual company / person's property management site. Sure in the back of my mind I am running through 30 ways to monetize it, but right now something like this in my area, or better yet the lack thereof, has become a huge personal pain for me.

    Coming up on 2 years ago, the area sustained massive flooding and the housing in the area was obviously affected. Since then, the largest property owner in the county was convicted of fraud and imprisoned, and now all of his assets are being liquidated and leaving myself and 100's of people scrambling to find a place to live. Craigslist is about the only internet based advertising for local property management companies as most are very immature at best from a tech savvy perspective. I've spent 2 months worrying every day about finding a place to move for myself, 2 daughters and 2 dogs...so needless to say I have some skin in the game to make this successful.

    3) List 3 logo designs you really like & why:
    Because I'm in no position to be picky, I was looking around for ideas and really any of the logos on this site are great!: Web Design Ideas 28 Great Looking Website Logo Ideas

    4) Requested size of your logo:
    As of right now this will be solely for the site.

    5) Do you have any images/photos that can be used for the logo? (must be copyright free)
    At this point I do not have any in mind, but am open to any.

    6) Any colors you prefer?
    I'd like to stick with the colors on the theme of the site, if possible.

    Thanks again all, you have no idea how much this would be appreciated! Also, I wouldn't be mad if anyone was interested in loaning any suggestions or assistance. ;)

  2. yeahbuddyia

    yeahbuddyia New Member

    Hi all, in working on the site a bit more the last few days, I realized I was a bit vague in my initial request. Perhaps that is the reason I haven't had a response, but if not, please let me know if there was something I missed or that I could be more specific on.

    As for the ideas based on other logos, #4 - #7 on Web Design Ideas 28 Great Looking Website Logo Ideas I really like the fonts and simplicity.

    I very much appreciate anyone's willingness to assist and please let me know if there is something I can be more specific on. Thanks!
  3. RickyRobertsonPhoto

    RickyRobertsonPhoto New Member

    hi friend! do you want to keep the ".com" in the logo.. also... well nevermind ill post a few ideas and let you see what you think.
  4. RickyRobertsonPhoto

    RickyRobertsonPhoto New Member

    here it is... Hope you like it. Simple i know but very approachable!!!

    Attached Files:

  5. GG

    GG Active Member

    Hey that looks great..Well done!

    We have another designer on the forum! wooohooo!! :D
  6. RickyRobertsonPhoto

    RickyRobertsonPhoto New Member

    lol YAY! lol thx alot... I just hope he likes it..
  7. unhallowedangel

    unhallowedangel Logo Specialist

    Go go go new guy!!!!!!! Hahahah
  8. RickyRobertsonPhoto

    RickyRobertsonPhoto New Member

    lol im going to do it now! (adam sandler)
  9. GG

    GG Active Member

    And yet still no review..This is why I think we should all watermark out designs so that none of the visitors on the site can take it and also it'll leave no choice for the members to atleast say thank you for all the hard work we all do on here...
  10. unhallowedangel

    unhallowedangel Logo Specialist

    Any recommended watermarking programs, possibly free?
  11. RickyRobertsonPhoto

    RickyRobertsonPhoto New Member

    well in photoshop you can like put your logo or name on a white background and then "define brush". This saves it as a brush so all you have to do is pull up an image and stamp it on there with the brush tool.. Turn the opacity down to whatever to make it transparent and rock and roll!!!!

    BUT agreed! I will watermark everything from now on.. thx genuine
  12. GG

    GG Active Member

    Yeah all you have to do is what RRP said or you could just use the (C) symbol in the custom shapes on Photoshop but be sure to make it grey because white can be easily removed so make it grey and lower the opacity to around 5%-15% or you could just right the name on the image and lower the opacity on that.
  13. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    If you use a small gradient, rather than a block colour, it makes it harder to remove. However, you don't really need to try and be too crafty, if they are requesting here, it's because they can't use photoshop, so I doubt they will be able to remove the watermark anyway ^^.
  14. GG

    GG Active Member

    lol true point but they could get some one else to do it and also you gotta remember it's not only members that are viewing the site there are also non-members so they might have photoshop and will be able to remove it but true point you don't want to bee to crafty with the watermark else only that alone will turn out better than the graphic :p
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