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Crazy Weather

Discussion in 'General' started by ishkey, Mar 4, 2010.

  1. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    I don't know about the rest of our members out there in the world, but down here in Georgia USA
    (the they always say down here for some reason) the weather this winter has been totally insane.
    Rain - extreme cold nights - excess snow/ice shutting things down. One day we are walking around in short sleeve shirts and by 3:00 in the afternoon the temperature drops down into the 20 degrees Fahrenheit (-7 C) and stays there for days. Warms up then gets cold, nothing is following the norms, it's crazy. Everyone is walking around with head colds. We are breaking records - it just sucks. The whole country is acting strange in terms of the weather. I'm beginning to think mother nature is giving us all a good kick in the back side.

    What's it like in the rest of the world?
  2. GG

    GG Active Member

    20 DEGREES!! i wish i had that over here in UK lol it's been quite sunny for the past few days so it looks like it's opening up but it's been quite chilly though but it's been a crazy winter here too
  3. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    You want 20 degrees.... Are you a masochist for cold 32F = 0C That's below freezing.
    NO NO give me the warmth.
  4. GG

    GG Active Member

    it's been below 0 degrees sometimes but it went after a while we havnt' had any snow for a while though
  5. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    I've never had the fortune/misfortune to experience snow.

    March 1st is the official start of Autumn here. Temperature-wise I can't complain as it hasn't been cold nor hot. But boy, has it been wet!

    February brought record rainfall for many outback areas. A friend is stuck in a town called Charleville (780 klms west of Brisbane), flooded in and cooped up in their local pub. Some would say that was a blessing but he's now way behind with his work of district court attandances.

    On the up side, my densely treed backyard is lovely and green and shrouded with a soft misty fog.
    Makes me want to cry when I think about having to move and leaving it all behind.
  6. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    Cold in Belgium

    Same here in Belgium cold and a lot of snow in February. No snow at the moment, but some floods in some regions. No floods where I reside at the moment. A lot of broken roads and highways, because of the snow in February. Have been in Ireland during the winter lots of rain and a little snow.

    Never known a winter this cold, looks like climate change to me.

    CP no snow, I would call it fortune. However I may not want to trade it for the dust storms and extreme heat you have over there.
  7. Tddun

    Tddun New Member

    Mistaken when this was posted, thought it was yesterday. Either way the weather is an all year topic to discuss.

    Anyway it's fairly normal for UK this time of year. Had some decent clear spells and it seems the very long winter is finally ending. I say UK... Scotland has recently had heavy snow so maybe not everywhere that Winter seems over.
  8. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    Yeah, started getting pretty nice and a lil' bit warmer, but over the past 3 days it's been freezing and pouring with rain. Silly UK weather >.>
  9. PokerBuddiez

    PokerBuddiez New Member

    yeah in uk its been not so good this year.I did my garden last year put new grass seeds down..and now it looks so bad i think the frost and snow killed it..Rollon summer an put some smiles on poeple faces.everyone seem so much happer when the sun is out..would love to live down under,
  10. Tddun

    Tddun New Member

    From my experiences people always seem more moody in the summer, think that's just people driving though, plenty more road rage in the summer I find.
  11. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    I agree with that summer moodiness. Here it is Spring time in Atlanta GA USA and the temps 10 degrees higher than they should be. The road people are getting a tad more rage in them. Can't repeat what the girl call me and my wife as we both were turning left on a triple lane road and she was driving right into my lane beeping her horn. She was on the inside wanting to get to the outside, we were in the middle - no where to go but follow our lane.
  12. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    I've noticed how much less ' lady-like' our younger female drivers have become over the past decade.
    Many drive like maniacs and have mouths that would embarrass a dock worker.
  13. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    Brake suddenly!
  14. PokerBuddiez

    PokerBuddiez New Member

    agree road rage at it highest when it hotter. also i do think people are abit more happer aswell.somethings do make me lauge somethimes.as in uk we moan when its cold and when its hot for sometime some even moan about the heat..also here in uk we have probs in all weathers..snow for few days and we come to an stand still.rain for few days we have floods warnings..sun out few days we get water bans..
  15. Tddun

    Tddun New Member

    It does appear whatever weather we have in the UK starts panic stations.
  16. aeiou260199038

    aeiou260199038 New Member

    I've never had the fortune/misfortune to experience snow.I agree