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Legacy Clothing Line Image/Logo

Discussion in 'Archived' started by ashdoy, Mar 23, 2010.

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  1. ashdoy

    ashdoy New Member

    Hi All

    I have recently decided to start my own fashion/clothing line, and have tinkered around with a logo but thought this website would be able to help.

    I love Gio Goi, Beck and Hersey and Superdry clothes and their respective logos appeal to a vast amount of people. My line will be aimed at no specific age, i would like to think any one with a keen interest in trendy fashion will take notice of the line.

    Basically, i would like someone to design me a logo similar to the brands above (Large text image, with a small logo to be placed alongside, and maybe the logo can be placed elsewhere etc.) check out the brands clothing line to see what i mean.

    The name of the line is Revolution, with a slogan of Make It Happpen

  2. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

  3. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    I've been trying to tell everyone
    It's Just Sheer Greed.
    Remember "Scrooge" except in the world today the ending to the original story has change, it's now ye who has the most toys wins and screw everyone to get there. Me Me Me
    Watch now I'll get cussed out because of a reality check - it's happen before.

    A simple Thanks - A simple contribute to the forum somewhere.
    That's all it takes.

    How about that he came, looked at his post here and the other post, then logged off with nothing to say.
    Maybe we should stop making graphics and abide by what the Forum is about
    "Need to edit the logo but don't have photoshop to edit it. Post here and we will edit it for free"
    Which means they supply their logo that they own.
  4. ashdoy

    ashdoy New Member

    if you go back to the old thread, i said thanks numerous times to genuine graphics!

    i am so sorry that i failed to end the thread with a thanks again
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