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Flash Flash website help

Discussion in 'Web Development' started by Watawaka, Jan 1, 2010.

  1. Watawaka

    Watawaka Member

    Hi guys.
    I'm in the process of making a flash website for a music festival.
    And I really don't know much about flash....so If someone can help me a bit, would be really appreciated.
    I have an image of the logo, that I want to be the background of the site...on the logo there's some stars. What I want is, when passing the mouse cursors over some stars, they grow big and there a word in it appear (like: programmation) and when someone click on it, I want to have a flash window come up with all the infos for this section in there...and closing the flash windows with a button, to getting back to the background, where they can click on one other star for another section...

    Maybe it's hard to understand what I want... English is not my native language :cool:

  2. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Just like in photoshop when using Flash you want everything on it's own layer.
    So each star would have to be on a layer of it's own and set as a "symbol" so you can use motion tweens - to make them grow. You would need two size stars. Make them clickable.

    This should get you started if you haven't already.
  3. Watawaka

    Watawaka Member

    yeah thanks fo the tip ishkey! I'm a real noob in flash....
    I've done my website using normal rollover image.
    But,I'm gonna check what i can do with flash, for a better effect.

  4. Linx

    Linx Member

    I have created my first flash website with the flash cms! It's very convenient and doesn't require much knowledge, as I'm a newbie in Flash.

    It took me about two days to customize the design and fill website with the content. And that's it! The website is ready :) And my client is happy.

    So, just check FlashMoto CMS (it's my choice). Maybe it will help you.