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Legacy Logo request for new youth American football training academy

Discussion in 'Archived' started by coachjg3, Nov 7, 2009.

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  1. coachjg3

    coachjg3 New Member

    Hello, I'm requesting logo for a youth football (American) training center for ages 7-13.

    1) What is your website address (ex: http://site.com ; Site Name)?
    South Pop Warner Lasers

    2) Description of your website:
    Football academy website.

    3) List 3 logo designs you really like & why:
    I like a design with a football player figure that is overly muscular; I think this would appeal to kids. The image draws them in and then a simple name of the training center "PHENOM FOOTBALL ACADEMY". I've included some rough designs I came up with (attached). The font I used was Impact. I'd also like a logo that just has the initials "PFA" in our dominant colors black, white, and flourescent green (or rave green (Nike),lime green)

    4) Requested size of your logo:
    Logo (phenom_logo_blk) will be used on the website and on letterhead
    Both logos(phenom_logo_blk and phenom_logo_blkW) will be printed on T-shirts, depending on the color of the shirt; we would like the logo to be rather large to fill the chest area of t-shirt
    The logo with the initials "PFA" will be printed on Polo shirts

    I'm thinking we need the logos in both low and high resolution sizes

    5) Do you have any images/photos that can be used for the logo? (must be copyright free)
    See image attachments

    6) Any colors you prefer?
    I would like the green in the attachments changed to flourescent green (or rave green, lime green)

    Your help is much appreciated! Thanks in advance!

    Isn't this nicer - now you don't have to scroll to the right forever to see the pics. Please think before you post or look at it afterwards. While you are waiting go review a site or help answer a question, can not just take without giving back, sets a bad example for the kids- thanks - ishkey

    Attached Files:

  2. boemboem

    boemboem New Member

    I'm on it! :)
  3. coachjg3

    coachjg3 New Member

    Thank you!
  4. boemboem

    boemboem New Member

    sry, can someone else do this CP perhaps? I can't find the time right now.
  5. ONWdesigner

    ONWdesigner New Member

    don't know if this is what your looking for, but here is an idea?

    Attached Files:

    • PFA.pdf
      File size:
      242.6 KB
  6. coachjg3

    coachjg3 New Member

    That may work for the initials logo (PFA); I'd prefer a sans serif font.

    For the main logo that will go on T-shirts, letterhead and website, I basically would like a cleaned-up, sharper version of what I created (attached) with the shade of green matching the rave color in the picture of cleats I attached.

    Basically a big-tough football player bursting out of the center with the name "PHENOM FOOTBALL ACADEMY" encircling it.

    Thanks in advance!
  7. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Any idea where to get a copyright free image of this to use on your logo?
  8. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Will this do the job?
    Unless you can provide a different 'tough guy' image that is copyright free, this is the best I can find.

    Attached Files:

  9. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Almost forgot, this is what it looks like on a black bg.

    Attached Files:

  10. coachjg3

    coachjg3 New Member


    Thanks! I found this royalty-free image; wondered if you could show me what it would look like before I purchased the rights to it. Still would like to use the black/rave green color scheme.

    Attached Files:

  11. coachjg3

    coachjg3 New Member

    royalty free football player clipart


    I purchased the rights from istockphoto.com to use the attached royalty free image. Can you manipulate the colors into the black/rave green scheme?

    From the istockphoto.com website, "To modify this file you will need vector editing software such as Adobe Illustrator, Freehand, or CorelDRAW."

    I think it will look perfect with the black and white designs you did above. Thanks in advance!

    :) Thanks, have downloaded and removed image file - CP
  12. coachjg3

    coachjg3 New Member

    attached another concept to consider...

    Attached Files:

  13. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Here's three versions:
    1. coloured text, no grey outline around man.
    2. plain text with outline around man.
    3. your 3rd idea.

    Attached Files:

  14. coachjg3

    coachjg3 New Member


    we would like to go with option 2. it looks great! thanks!
  15. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    I'll post a zip of the full sized 'option 2' this evening.
  16. coachjg3

    coachjg3 New Member

    Thanks! Can you include a second one with white lettering for printing on black tee-shirts/background?

  17. coachjg3

    coachjg3 New Member

    Hi Covert,

    I was just checking for the .zip. version of opt 2. no hurry. I was thinking I could actually use option 1 as you have designed here on the black shirts/backgrounds, so if possible I'd like options 1 & 2 in hi-res formats. Thanks in advance. (you can disregard my request for white lettering)
  18. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Lucky I was too busy to post earlier. :)

    Here's the zip of the 2 styles.

    Let me know when you have it so I can remove from the forum.

  19. coachjg3

    coachjg3 New Member

    Got It! Thanks!
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