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Legacy Educational Newspaper for Prisoners Needs Logo

Discussion in 'Archived' started by jdavis, Nov 2, 2009.

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  1. jdavis

    jdavis New Member

    Hello everyone. I recently started an educational newspaper for incarcerated people in America. It is a national publication. Since we are a grass-roots startup company, we are lacking a graphic design dept. You can see from our website that we just don't have a layout/graphics that are up to par. If anyone could help us design a logo, please let me know. Our website is www.hardtimespaper.com For the logo details, I would like "The" written small and "Hard Times" in a bigger font. Besides that, maybe something showing a mix of prison and education. The newspaper is titled The Hard Times. Colors.. not really sure. Nothing to bright. Basically use what I said to create something unique and interesting. You are the artist, so I don't want to have too much input. Thanks for your time. You can email me at jd@hardtimespaper.com
  2. Watawaka

    Watawaka Member

    This is what it came out of my mind... tell me what you think of this

  3. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Your site mentions "Art" as being a popular activity. Why not ask for logo idea submissions from those incarcerated 'arty' folk?
  4. jdavis

    jdavis New Member

    Watawaka.. real nice. I'm definitely going to find a spot for that. Do I have your permission to use it for free? I would also like a smaller round logo, perhaps small enough to fit in a 1" x 1" or 2" x 2" box; a mixture of one or more of the following things: prison bars, a globe, a newspaper, someone using their brain, etc. A real message of transcending the prison world through education, etc.

    CovertPea.. thanks for the idea. I definitely will do that. I'm sure we could come up with something good. I may have the readers submit art for the main title of the publication, rather than the logo, since I think we would prefer a digital looking logo that we can use online.
  5. Watawaka

    Watawaka Member

  6. Watawaka

    Watawaka Member

    Hey jdavis..... do you want the small round logo to say ''the hard times'' also...
    or you need just some graphical elements?
  7. jdavis

    jdavis New Member


    Sorry, I've been MIA for the past month. I didn't realize you replied to my post. If you are still willing to do it, a small logo would be awesome. It doesn't need to say The Hard Times, it could or couldnt. Some cool graphical elements would be awesome.
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