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HTML rss in the html/php

Discussion in 'Web Development' started by djwilson, Dec 12, 2008.

  1. djwilson

    djwilson New Member

    do i put the rss coding in the html / php page the feed updates from?
  2. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member


    <a href="www.dj.com/rss/myfirstrss.xml">
    < img src="www.dj.com/rss/rss.gif" width="36" height="14">

    Attached Files:

    • rss.gif
      File size:
      1 KB
  3. vareside

    vareside New Member

    <a href="www.dj.com/rss/myfirstrss.xml">
    < img src="www.dj.com/rss/rss.gif" width="36" height="14">
    ... is a bit wrong because for all links where you take the entire domain www.dj.com you have to add http:// in front of it.

    <a href="http://www.dj.com/rss/myfirstrss.xml">
    < img src="http://www.dj.com/rss/rss.gif" width="36" height="14">
  4. djwilson

    djwilson New Member

  5. soka

    soka New Member

    You can use any of "RSS to Javascript" from websites that offer a form or application that will convert the URL of any RSS feed into a snippet of Javascript code. When you place this Javascript within your HTML, it will display Feed updates directly on your web page.
  6. djwilson

    djwilson New Member

    ive notcied on wordpress the feed auto updates how i do that for my site without wordpress?
  7. shergill

    shergill New Member

    yes ofcourse you can..