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Flash What are the STEPS to editing flash temp? Processes...

Discussion in 'Web Development' started by htmlgivesmehell, Nov 21, 2008.

  1. htmlgivesmehell

    htmlgivesmehell New Member

    Hello all-
    Hoping that I can get some clarity. I have a moderate understanding of HTML but am totally new to Flash and Dreamweaver. that being said, I purchased a template... XML Flash Template from Monster.com and I have been editing it in Flash. Recently I found out I can edit in Dreamweaver so I started but I have a feeling that somehow I am putting the cart before the horse...

    For example, it was simple for me to just insert a quick holding page in Contribute which was just an image, but I cant figure how to link the flash stuff to it...

    But thats the small problem... Mainly, I'm trying to figure out the CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER of how I should be approaching this.

    Download the template and links...
    Make edits in Flash...
    Upload files (though I need help understanding HOW and WHAT to save in the root folders and what all that means anyway...)


    Many thanks for whomever takes pity on a lost soul such as myself.

    She Weeps
  2. shergill

    shergill New Member

    1. Button Labels are located on the first frame of actions layer in most of the free templates.
    2. You can edit them from menu_label array values by opening “Actions” panel (press F9).
    3. Edit “contents” or “flashmo contents” movie clip in the library for all different pages which are linked respectively to button labels.*:p