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Legacy Need Logo For My Website . Hi5

Discussion in 'Archived' started by Dog, Oct 28, 2008.

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  1. Dog

    Dog New Member

    Hello . I need a logo for my website . Like Hi5 logo .
    i Need Hi5Fun , to be the same font like hi5 logo . Or know some one what font is use on hi5 logo ? Thanks

    Attached Files:

  2. BandPro

    BandPro New Member

    I will add it to my list...
    It may take me a bit to get to it...
  3. Dog

    Dog New Member


    Thank you . i`ll wait
  4. Dog

    Dog New Member

    BandPro whay mutch logo you have to do until my logo ? thanks :D
  5. BandPro

    BandPro New Member

    Hey Dog,

    Sorry I haven't finished yours yet, but it will be done by Thursday.
  6. Dog

    Dog New Member

    ok ok thanks BandPro . i can`t find the fonts from hi5 logo :D and with comic sans you see the diference
  7. Dog

    Dog New Member

    still waiting :p
  8. BandPro

    BandPro New Member

    Hey dog,

    Sorry it took me so long but here you go.

    If you need anything else let me know...
  9. Dog

    Dog New Member

    the f from fun is F or f ? and if you want to give me the source to can modify if is a party . like christmas to add some snow or somthing . thanks
  10. BandPro

    BandPro New Member

    Here this one's better. If you want it just right click and select 'Save As..'

    I don't have the font file, so I am making each letter from scratch for you. I hope this one is better....

    Attached Files:

  11. Dog

    Dog New Member

    ok . thanks BrandPro :D
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