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How To What You Should Know Before Selling To Children

Discussion in 'General' started by eVentureBiz, Jun 13, 2008.

  1. eVentureBiz

    eVentureBiz New Member

    Hello friends. I'm currently writing a blog article about this but I wanted to share this over here as well to be sure everyone sees it.

    If your website collects information from children under 13, you must comply with The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act.

    It basically says that you need to get guardian consent before collecting information (name, address, phone, etc.).

    Even if you're not an American citizen, it's still good business practice to do follow this line of reasoning. Parents will come to trust your site more.

    And trust means return customers.
  2. pezboy45

    pezboy45 Mod/Design & Coder [Pro]

    Did not know this.
    And its good to know!
    Thanks, John!
  3. Linx

    Linx Member

    Thanks John! I didn't know this as well.
  4. eVentureBiz

    eVentureBiz New Member

    No problem guys, it's good to know and good to keep out of trouble!
  5. xbox360gurl70s

    xbox360gurl70s New Member

    how do you know a 13 yr old comes to your site? sheez the freeness of the internet is slowly losing gripped and anarchy is starting
  6. eVentureBiz

    eVentureBiz New Member

    LOL xbox. Anarchy is an everyday thing for me!

    Well in the end, a smart 13 year old can probably pass through only because everything is automated over the Internet. Probably the best thing you could do is obtain a credit card number before someone enters your site - even if you don't charge anything.

    Of course, that doesn't make the best business sense.

    However, our government does understand that it is primarily the parent's responsibility to watch over their children's Internet habits. If you take another look at the article on the FTC's site I gave, look at the first 3 points made.

    It's basically telling you that if you own a website that's directed at obtaining personal information from children 13 and under, then must abide by the following rules.

    If, however, your site is geared more toward adults and not directed at children, then this doesn't apply as much to you. But it's always good to know.
  7. kathyper

    kathyper New Member

    It was very interesting and useful for me to read your post. Thanks a lot
  8. eVentureBiz

    eVentureBiz New Member

    No problem, Kathyper. Have you subscribed to my blog yet or visited my forums? I have a lot more there.
  9. angie1313

    angie1313 New Member

    Great piece of advice...even if it doesn't work in practice to keep the kiddies out, it covers your rear end legally and that counts for ALOT sometimes.
  10. eVentureBiz

    eVentureBiz New Member

    Yeah, as parents we try our best! Luckily my kids are still to young to use the computer.
  11. kathyper

    kathyper New Member

    I've read your blog already and I think my next step will be subscribing to it. Thanks for telling about forums. I haven't seen them yet
  12. emilypal

    emilypal New Member

    Thank you for writing about it. Sometimes website owners forget that children need special behavior.
  13. eVentureBiz

    eVentureBiz New Member

    . . . a lot of times!
