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Logos Logo Review - Ideal Integrated Farming (IIF)

Discussion in 'Reviews' started by arunk110471, Jun 20, 2014.

  1. arunk110471

    arunk110471 New Member

    Hi, I am here by enclosing my company Logo for your review. Looking for your professional input to make the Logo meaningful and simple.

    Please suggest some designs. - Ideal Integrated Farming (IIF) ( Tag line - Farming Redefined )
    Pl advice.

    Attached Files:

  2. kanakdbz

    kanakdbz New Member

    Hi arunk! I have seen the logo. I'm no professional but it seems pretty well made. Its clean and matches the theme. Really found nothing to complain on lol. Hopefully others will give their feedback soon as well. But there is something I have in mind. If you could have one with the IIF instead of the Ideal Integrated Farming. When I first saw the logo I thought that the integrated farming part is subtitle :p but it may be just me and as I said I can't really complain about it.
    But if you like text based logo I think its quite alright.
  3. arunk110471

    arunk110471 New Member

    Thanks Kanak. I agree with you. In a lay-man perspective i couldn't think much. Thats the reason i came to you experts.
    I am ok with any text based Or image based Logos. If you could advice some sample it will be helpful for me to think in different way.
  4. kanakdbz

    kanakdbz New Member

    Well I meant like twisting that iif thing into a logo. Making the first i as you, 2nd as your client and the f as a plant. Something similar to this:
    But don't take this as the logo lol. this is just a concept and I'm no logo designer. Just shared my idea using a basic paint program lol and your current logo is way better than this one XD. Others in here may use my idea and come up with something wild.
    Roland Kam, Lea and TheClandestine like this.
  5. arunk110471

    arunk110471 New Member

    Thanks Kamak. Its nice to see in a different angle. Let see how other designers think/advice on this.
    kanakdbz likes this.
  6. Ruthe

    Ruthe Community Manager

    Hi @arunk110471

    I really like the three leaves at the end! :) But do you think that's too much text in a logo? Just a thought!
  7. arunk110471

    arunk110471 New Member

    Hi Ruthe, yes it is. But we couldn't avoid it. Let see what other members suggest. Thanks for your thought.
  8. MVHS_Soccer

    MVHS_Soccer New Member

    This is only a thought, but with the 2 'i' and f could be a little more polished and sharp, meaning the font could be different. Also, after making the 2 'i' and the f sharper, change the shading and give the 3 leaves a little more depth and maybe replicate it for both sides. Make that the 'iif'' the focal point of the logo and have underneath Farming Redefined.
  9. MVHS_Soccer

    MVHS_Soccer New Member

    [​IMG] [​IMG] The curves of the I on on 3 letters would make it look a little modern while the leaves make it know that it has something to do with nature. Then when they see "Farming Redefined" people will get curious of what the logo means and thus ask questions
  10. arunk110471

    arunk110471 New Member

    Thanks Soccer for the new thought. I am not able to see full logo, and only can see "i" and "f" in black letters. Can u please upload again ?
  11. MVHS_Soccer

    MVHS_Soccer New Member

    I did not post a full image of a logo. I was just using the pictures of letters to give an idea of what I meant by being sharper/polished. I am not as skilled as many of the members here so I cannot make logos and images.

    I'll make a very rough edit of what I am talking about to the best of my abilities to give a better idea. IMO with less wording and a little more imaging, the simplicity of the logo would draw less thought of "dang that's a lot of words" to "Hey what I wonder what iiF stands for"
  12. arunk110471

    arunk110471 New Member

    Thats fine.
    IIF stands for "IDEAL Integrated Farms" - Doing agriculture project.
  13. kanakdbz

    kanakdbz New Member

  14. stockbroker

    stockbroker New Member

    I really appreciate your work! Liking your logo :)
  15. noface0711

    noface0711 New Member

    This is only a thought, but with the 2 'i' and f could be a little more polished and sharp, meaning the font could be different. Also, after making the 2 'i' and the f sharper, change the shading and give the 3 leaves a little more depth and maybe replicate it for both sides. Make that the 'iif'' the focal point of the logo and have underneath Farming Redefined.