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More attractive logo?

Discussion in 'Free Logos' started by GildanFC, Jan 27, 2016.

  1. GildanFC

    GildanFC New Member

    I would like my logo to be more attractive. Any ideas? thanks!

  2. EthanDel

    EthanDel New Member

    Hi GildanFC.
    Your Logo is quite attractive, but you have used two different colours for a home. Generally we know that outline of a home does not have multiple colours and both colours(gray and blue) are quite different in nature and appeal.
    Mimoun likes this.
  3. GildanFC

    GildanFC New Member

    Thanks, are you proposing the house to be all blue?
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2016
  4. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    Hi G

    Was not too sure exactly what you were asking for; Logo only to be jazzed up (Home) or the full banner?

    As a whole i tend to find little is more memorable, less writting etc.

    Any how i did the below as a starter , and then can take it from there, or not lol?


    Attached Files:

    • mcrm.png
      File size:
      26.1 KB
    ishkey, GildanFC and Mimoun like this.