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Getting the menu with curves of hair repair template to work

Discussion in 'Web Development' started by lashh, Jan 4, 2016.

  1. lashh

    lashh New Member Verified Member

    @Mimoun I see you are on the staff and started a conversation with the hair template back in 2013 and I'm hoping you can help me with my problem. I'm having some serious problems with that template. I'm new to designing and want to do it myself, but that template that I love so much and has the curves I want I can't seem to edit. When I click on edit button it takes me to Wix, but it changes the curved lines to straight. Wix says it's not their, and won't help me so I'm stuck. I tried to copy the coding so I can practice on my own, but I can't seem to do that, and I really don't want to retype all of that. So is there anyway you can at least get me the coding or tell me how to get it so I can do this myself? I really would appreciate it. Thanks.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2016
  2. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    @lashh I like your persistence in still trying to get this to work since 2013.

    This is a very difficult thing to get done in Wix, but not impossible (I think?) depending on how much effort and time you would like to put into this.
    You can not use the standard navigation menu from Wix, you will have to add the links one by one.
    You will also lose some other features Wix has which make it very easy to update and change your website.
    Understand that if you do this manually with the Wix editor, you will make building a website much harder then it has to be.

    But if you love the curves so much (anything for love right?) and would like to do it anyway let me know and will try to do a step by step tutorial on it with the Wix editor. I might fail in trying so please don't hate me if I can't solve your problem.
  3. lashh

    lashh New Member Verified Member

    Mr. Raddahi, if you can fix my problem, I WOULD BE EXTREMELY APPRECIATIVE! I'm not necessarily in love with WIX, matter of fact it wasn't impressed at all. I have been trying to work with website builder because of the frustration of not being able to get that one to work, but if you could tell me how to get the curves with the coding, (not on WIX), I would be a happy camper...lol.
  4. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    It already works without Wix.
    Can you post your code I don't understand what the problem is.
  5. lashh

    lashh New Member Verified Member

    It does? How? I don't have any coding, but I know all websites work with some coding. If you could tell me the coding that will make those curves, that would solve my issue. I just want to know how to make curves on a website, if I can't use that template.
  6. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    Ok now you're really confusing me :confused:.
    You can see for yourself that this page has the curves right?
    You don't want to use Wix right?
    So just download it here in HTML/CSS which has the code and images needed for the curves.
  7. lashh

    lashh New Member Verified Member

    Lol, sorry, I didn't mean to confuse you.
    The page does have curves, which I want.
    I don't want to use wix.
    I downloaded it and this is the first time I was able to open it up and see the codes. Before it would tell me to search for a program to open it. Thanks so much, I hope I can incorporate these codes into dreamweaver or something. ;)
  8. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    Ok great that you got it to work.
    Feel free to make new posts about any other questions you may have.
  9. lashh

    lashh New Member Verified Member

    Thanks, I appreciate that and I will if I do.
  10. nidhivyas

    nidhivyas Member

    I am agree with your answer.
    Very nice sharing information
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2016