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Web Design Music School Template

Discussion in 'Web Design' started by Daxing, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. Daxing

    Daxing New Member

    I wonder if anyone can help me...
    I've downloaded the music school template which is excellent and has everything I need. I've been going through the template and making the changes ensuring i am correctly make the changes in the CSS file (colour changes etc etc) Template used (https://freewebsitetemplates.com/forums/threads/music-school-website-template.20452/)

    However, I am having trouble formatting a certain section where I want to embed an image and make this float with the text. I am very new to this and i would appreciate the help. I understand it may be to do with div in css but i am not really sure.

    What I am trying to do:
    I'm on the about page (https://freewebsitetemplates.com/preview/musicschoolwebsitetemplate/about) at the footer, there is an about box with an instructor image (next to the contact box, see fig 1 below), with some text to the right. Its nicely formatted with correct spacing between the image and text.

    Fig 1

    I want to create the exact same layout on the same page but further up.
    i.e just above the about us is a box that has "Template Details" (see fig 2) and i want to add a picture in that box with the same formatting and layout as the about box... (image to the left, text to the right) (i hope this makes sense).

    Ive messed with trying to copy and paste stuff, reference different classes and try and copy how it is done, but i am lost...

    fig 2

    Thanks and Kind Regards,
  2. Daxing

    Daxing New Member

    sorry folks, the images didn't get included with my post... fig 1 & fig 2 uploaded

    Attached Files:

    • Fig1.png
      File size:
      81.4 KB
    • fig2.png
      File size:
      116.6 KB
  3. Daxing

    Daxing New Member

    Anyone? I'm a tad stuck on this....
  4. Mildju

    Mildju Member

    Hi @Daxing ,

    Have a look at the following part of the source code :
        <h1>Template details</h1>
        Design version 5 <br> Code version 5 <br> Website Template details, discussion and updates for this <a href="http://www.freewebsitetemplates.com/discuss/musicschoolwebsitetemplate/">Music School Website Template</a>. <br> Website Template design by <a href="http://www.freewebsitetemplates.com/">Free Website Templates</a>. <br> Please feel free to remove some or all the text and links of this page and replace it with your own About content.
    and simply add an <img> section as below:
        <h1>Template details</h1>
        <img src="images/instructors.jpg" style="float:left; padding:10px">
        Design version 5 <br> Code version 5 <br> Website Template details, discussion and updates for this <a href="http://www.freewebsitetemplates.com/discuss/musicschoolwebsitetemplate/">Music School Website Template</a>. <br> Website Template design by <a href="http://www.freewebsitetemplates.com/">Free Website Templates</a>. <br> Please feel free to remove some or all the text and links of this page and replace it with your own About content.
    This example is just to show you how it works. Ideally you should create a new class in the CSS file with the same style and call it from your HTML code.

    Hope it helps,
    Dawn likes this.
  5. Ashley519

    Ashley519 New Member

    You may try to design a music template using a designing software template-toaster. It will help you to create a fully responsive theme for major CMS. You can easily design themes or template as per your requirements in a lesser time without any hassle. Users can use such tool without any coding or programming knowledge.
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