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Flash Editing Flash Text

Discussion in 'Web Development' started by paul374, Apr 23, 2007.

  1. paul374

    paul374 New Member

    Hi guys, i got a flash website, but i was wondering how do i edit the text?
    I have macromedia Flash 8 on trial and i also have dreamweaver 8.....
    Can anyone help me. Thanks, Paul.
  2. Connor

    Connor Moderator / Programmer

    Open Macromedia Flash, open the library, and look through the symbols, and where any text is, double click and edit to your liking. Whatch out though, some text in symbols are acctually graphics, so you may need to open up Adobe or Macromedia Fireworks along with Mac. Flash.
  3. Scoooooty

    Scoooooty Member

    Flash websites often load there text from text files. Try see if you can find something like that.
  4. paul374

    paul374 New Member

    kk, thx for the help guys...

    PS - Ok this is a different template now, which has a flash header.... how do i change the links? (The nav is in the header)
  5. DeadGuy

    DeadGuy New Member

    Open the .flv file that came (if it came) with the template with Flash, click on the link button, change the link from the Property Inspector.
  6. Mike15

    Mike15 New Member