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Legacy Photography logo and watermark

Discussion in 'Archived' started by diptish, Mar 5, 2012.

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  1. cynthiajwang

    cynthiajwang VIP Member

    Just wondering if you still wanted a logo from us...
  2. emma clark

    emma clark New Member

    Hiya cynthia... iv noticed a lot of your work on a few threads and absolutely love your work and your designs. I have posted a thread requesting a photography logo and watermark of my own if you would be kind enough to have a little look at if you have the time. Thank you :)
  3. diptish

    diptish New Member

    Just wondering! if the logo could have some colors with some texture added to it..
  4. cynthiajwang

    cynthiajwang VIP Member

    Diptish - if you could please go back through the thread and answer a few of the questions that a lot of us designers have for you, then that would be great.
  5. diptish

    diptish New Member


    it would be just great if you can ask me directly and I will be more than happy to let you know the same.

  6. cynthiajwang

    cynthiajwang VIP Member


    Is it really that difficult to go back one page and look at everything that everyone's asked of you?

    To summarize it for you:

    1. You asked for variants of fellow9's idea, but you don't say what exactly you like about the idea? Is it the font that you dislike?

    2. Then, Ishkey wanted verification regarding the size of your requested logo; ishkey even showed you how big your requested dimensions are.

    3. I then asked a few questions - I wanted to check what form of media you'll be using this logo for, as it is different if you use it for print media versus web media. I also wanted to know a color scheme that you're looking for. I also threw out an idea, and I don't know if you even looked at it? I don't mind if you don't like my idea, but a little feedback would be nice, so I know if I should even bother doing anything else.

    4. You then ask if the logo can have colors and texture.... whom are you even talking to? which logo would you like to see some color and texture to?

    We ask on this thread and not with a PM so that other designers can jump in and help create a logo that can best represent you.
    fellow9 likes this.
  7. Wow. You guys really blew this one out of the water. Fellow 9's designs were inspiring. You guys are sooo talented.
  8. Grandsatsuma

    Grandsatsuma New Member

    They really are :]
  9. ThatAfricanBoy

    ThatAfricanBoy New Member

    heavens above those designs were beautiful! props to you all seriously!
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