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Legacy Photography Logo

Discussion in 'Archived' started by Dallas Williamson, Aug 26, 2010.

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  1. Dallas Williamson

    Dallas Williamson New Member

    I need HELP, I am trying to create a logo for my start-up business, I shoot families, weddings, babies and high school.
    I have an idea but no clue as to put it into a format that I can use. Any help would be apreciated. Please feel free to add, change or scrap my design.

    Attached Files:

    • Logo.jpg
      File size:
      20.7 KB
  2. GG

    GG Active Member

  3. Dallas Williamson

    Dallas Williamson New Member

    Sorry about that, there is just so much information here, Im trying to take it all in.

    1) What is the exact name you would like in your logo?
    Dallas Williamson Photography

    What is your website address (ex: http://site.com ; Site Name)?
    I have not designed a website as of yet, this is how I arrived at this site. I am trying to get ideas and tips on designing a website. I do have a blog, dallaswilliamson.blogspot.com
    3) Description of your website:
    I hope to have a flash intro showing a slideshow of several of thie pictures I have taken, then liks to galleries of photos.

    4) Have you found any logos/designs on the web that you feel convey
    the style you are looking for?

    I have posted a very very crude example but, I am open to other ideas.

    5) Requested size of your logo:
    Basically we ask this to determine the graphic's resolution and what it will be eventually used for.
    Is the logo to be used solely for the web?
    Will it be made into a poster or printed on shirts?
    Do you need the final image in various sizes?

    I will be mainly using it on the web and business cards but, I do like the idea of having shirts made.

    6) Do you have any images/photos that can be used for the logo? (must be copyright free)
    Any picture on my blog

    7) What logo styles do you like (text only, image only, text and image, etc.)?
    This will help the designers know what type of logo styles you are into and will create your
    logo accordingly.
    Text Only - Includes a text only logo which is a logo with just text and some extra effects.

    What colors do you want to see in your logo?
    9) What colors do you NOT want to see in your logo?
    State any colours that you do not want in your logo.

    10) Describe the target audience for your logo
    I target wedding photography but, do a little of it all.

    11) What are the top 3 things you would like to communicate through your logo?
    attract new clients

    12) Where will your logo be used (print, website, etc.)?
    Photoshop watermark?
  4. Dallas Williamson

    Dallas Williamson New Member

    Ohh one more thing, as fra as how it will be used on the web, I would like to, at some point have part or all of the logo "drawn" in during the into of my future website. I dont know if this effects the format or not.
  5. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    Hi DW

    A fairly simple design; so here's my effort.

    Again I would like to echo what the sticky post says, please help out around the forum, website reviews etc etc....

    Attached Files:

    • dw.jpg
      File size:
      27 KB
  6. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    O_O Someone gonna call the police or what?
  7. Dallas Williamson

    Dallas Williamson New Member

    I really like the logo design you did, I was looking further into this site and saw this one. Could you change it a little more into this direction.

    Shooting wedding ect. Did I mention that I am a probation officer?lol

    Attached Files:

  8. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    Shooting babies could be bad rep for a probation officer......jus' saying.....
  9. Dallas Williamson

    Dallas Williamson New Member

    I shoot them with a Conon, I've had no complaints. Lol now that is just wrong.
  10. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    Ah well that's alright then :D

    Back to topic :D?
  11. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    With your initials it very hard to get that look, but gave it another go

    Attached Files:

    • dw.jpg
      File size:
      27.2 KB
  12. Dallas Williamson

    Dallas Williamson New Member

    I am liking where you are going but, my wife picked at me saying it was a little to girley. Attached is "her" input. Is this an option? Thanks for you patience.

    Attached Files:

  13. GG

    GG Active Member

    Thought i'd give it a go too :) Hope no one minds :eek:

    I know you wanted Black but to me this looked more eye-catching trying to avoid the 'girly' look. :p Not sure if it does but that's your wifes call.

    Anyway here it is...


    Let me know what you think..

    Also thank you for helping around the site however, please do not stop it at that. Please continure to do so as extra help is always appreciated around here. :)

    Also check out this post to see whether you can help us out here.

  14. Dallas Williamson

    Dallas Williamson New Member

    Love it! The only thing I would ask is maybe the DW in shades of green?
  15. GG

    GG Active Member

    How are these colours?


    Added a drop shadow at the back. Can take it off if you wish.
  16. Dallas Williamson

    Dallas Williamson New Member

    Ok, you were right the first time, the blue is right on the mark. What is the next step?
  17. GG

    GG Active Member


    I'll send you the files in the correct format to your e-mail address that you have used to sign up to this forum which will allow you to use the logo on various marketing maaterials.

    I'll send you it shortly as I just need to pop out at the moment so will send it to you within the next hour or so.

  18. Dallas Williamson

    Dallas Williamson New Member

    Thanks so much. I am so glad to find this site, I am wanting to make a website and have been reading and reading. I hope to be able to help others out soon.
  19. GG

    GG Active Member

    I've sent you the files in a ZIP folder to your e-mail address.

    Also sent you a PM. You can check it at the top right of your screen.

    Thank you

    P.S Sorry forest for taking over but I have to say I did like your designs. Keep them in our portfolio if you have one for future use.
  20. Awesome logo!!!!
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