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Legacy Help Please!!! Candle Company Logo Needed

Discussion in 'Archived' started by Lexus, Jun 5, 2010.

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  1. Lexus

    Lexus New Member

    Thank you very much for the design....i really like this one. The font i am not to sure of, probably something more readable? I do agree with ConventPea, maybe we can play around with the colours. In saying so i am not sure of the colors yet give a a couple hours to think. In the mean time...i am very greatful with the great work you have done.

  2. Lexus

    Lexus New Member

    i just got back online...4 weeks to go before the arrival. been really poorly. Just had a look at what modman created...like it alot. Did you had a chance to do anything for me? I wanted to ask your advise as well. Do you think a co can have two different logos ( one for product and one for doc/website?

    If not what about a more proffesional/coporate logo like G.E's own. As the time approches, i am getting more confused.

  3. Lexus

    Lexus New Member

    Hey Genuinegraphics, Have you had a look at what modman created? What do you think?
  4. GG

    GG Active Member

    Yeah I actually like what he has done. It does give a nice happy/jolly feel to the business which would make people more comfortable to deal with you.

    As for having 2 different logos I would have to disagree with that because you don't want people to get confused with who they are dealing with.

    Think about it if hopefully this is a successfull business you want people to recognise your brand. Such as big companies like Nike, as soon as you see their logo you'll know which company it is even if their name is not on it.

    So I say stick to one logo so people don't get confused and take your time with it.

    You want this business to be successful and the only way to do that is to be patient when your working things out. If your struggling now then you'll need to get used to it as you'll also have to advertise this business aswell and that won't be an easy job too.
  5. Lexus

    Lexus New Member

    Thanks for your advice. What i asked about the logo which resembles G.E or Reese Weatherspoon products for avon. Would you be able to come up with something like that for me? Then i can choose between this & the one modman made. I know how i want it to look but i don't have the sotware to put the combination. It would be the initials (CGC) in very curvy fonts, closely written/almost entwined, in silver writing, in a circle lined with silver. Let me know if you understand. P.s How can i contact u?
  6. Lexus

    Lexus New Member

    Thank you very much, I really like your creation. I will be showing it to my partner this afternoon & will give you a heads up later.
  7. GG

    GG Active Member

    If you are able to find images of what you would like then that would really be helpful as I can't picture what you are talking about. I do have a rough idea but not sure if it is right. If you would like to contact me and discuss it then feel free to email.
  8. GG

    GG Active Member

    And who is that you are referring to? Modman's design?
  9. Lexus

    Lexus New Member


    Hey Please find attached the photos i was supposed to send you. Hope you got my other message.

    Attached Files:

  10. GG

    GG Active Member

    Yeah I did but I did actually forget about this post :p

    So you want a logo with the curly text in silver in a silver circle? I'll see what I can do. In the meantime whenever you recover or just roaming around the site then please feel free to contribute elsewhere within the forum and help someone else out by mostly giving a website review :)

    I'll work on your design soon and post it up when I have.

  11. GG

    GG Active Member

    Not sure if this is what you want. I know you said you want it all in silver but I also thought the top one with the Black text stood out more than it being all silver so not sure but it's your choice.

    Here it is...

    (Graphic Removed)

    Let me know what you think :)
  12. GG

    GG Active Member

    Another time waster :rolleyes:
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