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Legacy Women's football group

Discussion in 'Archived' started by cybi, Aug 2, 2010.

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  1. cybi

    cybi New Member


    I have set up a women's football group and we need a crest for our shirts and website. Where do I go about requesting this? Any help or advice would be so helpful!

    Our website is http:cybi-fc.webs.com although we are getting a more professional website soon (once crest is sorted etc).

    Our kits are purple and white (home) and black with yellow and cerise pink stripe(away).

    One idea was a woman (ponytail) kicking a ball. Or perhaps a celtic symbol.

    We're from holyhead - which is seaside town - sunset? sea? celtic. Cybi Women's FC needs to be written on the badge.

    We're open to any suggestins or help, I'm clueless!

    Thanks so much
  2. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    To begin with, answer the questions found here:
    This will give our graphics team something to work from.

    While you're waiting for a response (and as a way of giving back to the community in return), take a roam around the forum and see if you can find other members looking for some help with various questions and/or problems.

  3. Moutios

    Moutios New Member

  4. Moutios

    Moutios New Member

    Sorry, but that's all I could do!

    Done it with w%w.says-it.com, I hope I do not violent any rules!
  5. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Moutios -
    Thanks for showing us that Say-it link. Looks like you could have some fun with it!

  6. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    Not sure if this thread is still live, prob not as the requestee has not returned but hey-ho, gave it a shot anyway

    Attached Files:

    • cybi.jpg
      File size:
      83.4 KB
  7. modman

    modman VIP Member

    is there no sticky for this one ?
  8. cybi

    cybi New Member

    Love them!

    Sorry for the extremely late reply on this - I must admit I didn't receive a notification that I'd had a reply and didn't think anybody had answered. Just googled the image and this logo came up! Very pleasant surprise.
    I love both designs and we have gone a first season without a logo, so very desperate to get this sorted now.
    Are you both able to email me a JPEG of the logo image if you still have them by any chance??
    Thanks so much,
  9. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    Sorry, deleted mine agggeeeesssssss ago!
  10. cybi

    cybi New Member

    Aww damn. Thought you probably had, really liked it too.
    Would you recommend that I postanother request?
  11. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    To be honest we know what type you would like, so a new post not really needed.

    Do you a deal, You do your best to help out around here, website reviews (the more the merrier) go introduce yourself in the relevant section of the forum, and then I will do another logo (probably better than the one posted) but this time I will wait on your actions, once bitten n all that.....

    So have we a deal???????
  12. modman

    modman VIP Member

    playing around
  13. modman

    modman VIP Member

    here is another
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