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Closed Urban hip-hop theme for personal website

Discussion in 'Archived' started by chrisrobertson, Dec 27, 2005.

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  1. chrisrobertson

    chrisrobertson New Member


    I am looking for an urban hip-hop theme template (preferably some flash intro, etc) for a personal website. I plan to add several features like music, downloads, store, chat, messageboard, 11 features so far. Possibly lite graffiti and maybe a turntable, music background (if random and easy edit would be great). Blue and black color theme fill page, the easier the edit the better. Chris Robertson is the site title. If possible 2 variations so it doesn't get monotonious.
  2. ReVVeD

    ReVVeD Graphics Designer

    Please read the rules. You must provide a site with atleast one page of content before we make your template.
  3. se[N]ta

    se[N]ta New Member

    i do that but nothing yet

    i just want a link to download a template that is allready made. CS Template
  4. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    Answer the following questions which will make the design process of your free website template easier for our web designers:

    1) What is your url ( website address)?
    2) Description of your website:
    3) List 3 template designs on FWT you really like:
    4) List 3 websites which you think look great ( doesn't need to be similar to your sites):
    5) List 3 similar websites:
    6) Do you have any images/photos that can be used for the template ( only copyright free ones )?
    7) Any colors you prefer?
  5. IceTheDon

    IceTheDon New Member

  6. on1customs

    on1customs New Member

    i also need a hiphop type website

    1) What is your url
    (it has not yet been created yet. for now it is at tripod)

    2) Description of your website:
    It will display an art crew's (On OnE Cu$toms) custimazation of shoes, hats, shirts, pants, etc. whatever the customer wants can be put on any type of clothing in a variety of ways including different paints, markers, and prints. This websites need to have an urban feel and feature grafitti, and somewhat of a hiphop edge

    3) List 3 template designs on FWT you really like:
    have not seen any in particular

    4) List 3 websites which you think look great ( doesn't need to be similar to your sites):

    5) List 3 similar websites:

    6) Do you have any images/photos that can be used for the template ( only copyright free ones )?
    I have a banner which was made for myspace to promote the art crew:


    7) Any colors you prefer?
    It needs to be colorful, grafitti is usually a bright, variety of colors
  7. kewzone

    kewzone New Member

    Need Help With Banner

    Answer the following questions which will make the design process of your free website template easier for our web designers:

    1) What is your url ( website address)? www.thr333sixphive.com
    2) Description of your website: all about hip hop music and art
    3) List 3 template designs on FWT you really like:
    4) List 3 websites which you think look great ( doesn't need to be similar to your sites): hiphopdx.com, 2dopeboyz.com, allhiphop.com
    5) List 3 similar websites:
    6) Do you have any images/photos that can be used for the template ( only copyright free ones )? yes
    7) Any colors you prefer? no
  8. Ruthe

    Ruthe Community Manager

    Hi Chris,

    Thank you for your request.

    Previously, your template request had to be put on hold due to insufficient resources; we are now pleased to announce that the template request forum will be relaunched on 24 March 2014.

    In appreciation of your patience and loyalty all these years, we would like to invite you to be among the first to have your customized template produced.

    If you would still like for this same template request to be processed, please reply to this thread within 30 days of this post and we will begin working on it as soon as possible.

    Please note that any request to accept this offer after the above stipulated period will not be entertained.

    I look forward to seeing you on FWT again!

    :) ruthe
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