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Legacy Studio Logo Request

Discussion in 'Archived' started by Frank.Beeler, May 27, 2009.

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  1. Frank.Beeler

    Frank.Beeler New Member

    Hi, i have a logo request for my recording studio that will be opening soon.

    1) What is your website address: http://www.citynoisestudios.com (up and running in the next couple of months)

    2) Description of your website: New recording studio for all musical genres with music video production capabilities.

    3) List 3 logo designs you really like: Darkmore Recording Studio; Unique Leader Records; Necromorbus Studio

    4) Requested size of your logo: Standard Size

    5) Do you have any images/photos that can be used for the logo? (must be copyright free) none

    6) Any colors you prefer? No preference

    Thanks for your help and expertise.
  2. Ken_the_Otter

    Ken_the_Otter New Member

    I don't have the skills to do it, but something similar to this would look good:

  3. GDSweb.ca

    GDSweb.ca Moderator/Developer

    Hey Frank,

    I can help you out.
    Give me the night and I will post it up for you tomorrow.

  4. GDSweb.ca

    GDSweb.ca Moderator/Developer

    Try this one out...

    If you give me a little more insight into what colors are going to be used on your website I can tweak or make a new logo for you to try out.

    Just let me know what you think....:confused:
    If you decide to use it, a link to my web design website would be appreciated.

    Attached Files:

  5. Frank.Beeler

    Frank.Beeler New Member

    That's one sweet design.

    The color's we've been throwing around are black, white, red, & either a golden yellow or blue.

    Thanks for your effort.

    If you have a banner or logo, I'll definitely have it incorporated on the main page to credit your work.
  6. GDSweb.ca

    GDSweb.ca Moderator/Developer

    Thanks Frank,

    Now that I know what colors you are going to use, let me change up the colors on the logo for you so you have a choice.

    If you want to throw up a link to my page with a banner here are two for you to choose from. One with a black background, the other with a transparent back.

    Attached Files:

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