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Legacy Softball Tournament Logo Design

Discussion in 'Archived' started by RebelsPink, Jul 27, 2010.

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  1. RebelsPink

    RebelsPink New Member

    Looking for some help on changing a logo design to be printed on T-Shirts. Would like something as close as possible to the following attachment. Team colors are pink, white, gray, and blue.

    1st Annual
    Rebels Pink
    Diamond Tournament

    Thanks for your time.

    diamond classic tournament 1.jpg
  2. iamclueless

    iamclueless New Member

    Hello RebelsPink,

    Is your tournament being sponsored by Corona? or another business?
  3. RebelsPink

    RebelsPink New Member

    It's our own team (Rebels Pink) running the tournament as a fundraiser so we don't need the presented by in it or the pink ribbon on the diamond. Just liked the design. Anything close would be fine or if anyone had a better idea to add in would be fine.
  4. cynthiajwang

    cynthiajwang VIP Member

    Are we allowed to use the images in that flier?
  5. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    No, unless RebelsPink supplies them or the images are open source.
    There are copyright issues which can put you in jeopardy as well as them.
  6. GG

    GG Active Member

    @Rebelspink..You need to begin to help out within the forum to as a way of giving back else you won't get many replies. You could either give a website review for someone but you really need to begin helping out in order to get some more replies.
  7. cynthiajwang

    cynthiajwang VIP Member

    sorry, that question was directed toward rebelspink -- i wanted to see if he/she had any images that we could use.
  8. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    I guess RebelsPink really didn't need a graphic after all.
    Here is what I had thought might have worked for them.
    Just wanted to post it before I deleted it off my computer.

    Attached Files:

    • rpdt.jpg
      File size:
      67.2 KB
  9. RebelsPink

    RebelsPink New Member

    That is cool I'm still here just working a lot of O.T. at work. I will be on Tue. as we get off a little early. Just figuring the site out. Will post some feedback on some sites tonight yet. The images I can provide because they are paid for by a small fee to another website like the ones ishkey used.
  10. washingtonkaos

    washingtonkaos New Member

    I like the softball tournament design that they came up with. I think it was nicely put together. Absolutely perfect for a softball tournament t-shirt! Wow, there are so many talented people on this site. Inspiring to say the least! I would definately refer someone come to this site to get a quote on a logo....GREAT JOB!
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