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Closed Softball Logo - Delete thread

Discussion in 'Archived' started by Chris Schmiesing, Apr 6, 2014.

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  1. Chris Schmiesing

    Chris Schmiesing New Member

    Hey Guys,

    I'm just trying to edit a toronto blue jays logo so instead of blue jays it says "blow jays". this will be the logo my summer softball team will be putting on our jerseys!

    so pretty much I have the original logo editted, but I dont have a image editting program like photoshop where I can enter in new text and curve it along the logo.


    Attached is the orignal logo, with the blue jays part erased. I want it to say blow jays at the bottom, curving upwards.

    Here is a link for the font - http://ufonts.com/fo...ys-vintage.html

    Ive already played around with the font, but if you do a capital letter in this font it makes it look like a really thick bold, so if you are able to do not use any capital letters for the "blow jays" just lowercase.

    also if you could try to make the blue look as identical to the blue in the original that would be awesome.


    thank you!
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2014
  2. Chris Schmiesing

    Chris Schmiesing New Member


    this is the original logo which I am trying to get the new one to look as similar to. I would like "blow" to go to the left of the bottom of the arch in the bird logo and "jays" at the same spot.
  3. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    See the tiny "TM" on the bottom right?
    Legality-wise, copying this crest albeit changing one letter is a definate no no.
    Sorry about that Chris, but I doubt anyone here would do it for you.

  4. Chris Schmiesing

    Chris Schmiesing New Member

    this is for a softball team in town in canada of under 20,000 people. This isnt going to get traced back to anyone here, job that takes 2 minutes for a person who has the resource just looking for some help!
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