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Legacy Soccer League Logo request

Discussion in 'Archived' started by kwunited, Sep 3, 2010.

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  1. kwunited

    kwunited New Member

    Hi there,

    Somehow I have been named as president of the local adult soccer league and I'd like to create a logo for the league and get a website up for the indoor winter leagues which start in October. I'd appreciate any help as I have struggled with GIMP and Paintshop Pro trying to make something.

    1) What is the exact name you would like in your logo?

    Grand River Soccer

    2) What is your website address (ex: http://site.com ; Site Name)?

    Grand River Soccer - (Cambridge, ON) - powered by LeagueLineup.com

    3) Description of your website:

    We are a non-profit adult soccer league that runs year round

    4) Have you found any logos/designs on the web that you feel convey
    the style you are looking for?

    See below

    5) Requested size of your logo:

    Logo to be used on website/gamesheets and other advertising material. (various resolutions)

    6) Do you have any images/photos that can be used for the logo? (must be copyright free)


    7) What logo styles do you like (text only, image only, text and image, etc.)?
    This will help the designers know what type of logo styles you are into and will create your logo accordingly.

    Text and Image – Includes text and images used in your logo. This could be used to either give a clearer view of what your logo is showing to your audience.

    8) What colors do you want to see in your logo?

    Anything that make sit look professional and pleasing to the eye.

    9) What colors do you NOT want to see in your logo?


    10) Describe the target audience for your logo

    Potential and current Soccer players interested in our league.

    11) What are the top 3 things you would like to communicate through your logo?


    12) Where will your logo be used (print, website, etc.)?

    Both web and print.

    13) Where the deer is, i'd like to see a soccer ball with a trophy or some combination of such.

    14) Logo if possible should inculcate water(river), Soccer ball and a trophy if possible. :)

    Thank You,

    Attached Files:

  2. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    Hi KW

    Is this a new team? as I believe CP has already fullfilled a previous request for you.

    Only checking as it is a simple design you have asked for, but please continue to help out as you have been

  3. kwunited

    kwunited New Member

    Hi Forest,

    CP did an awesome job on my co-ed recreational soccer teams logo which I have uploaded as my avatar! This logo I am requesting is for a recreational not-for-profit league I have been asked to preside over. There is currently no logo or web presence and the league gets underway in 4 weeks ! :(

    One thing I should do is edit my original posting to say it would be beneficial to inculcate a soccer ball/trophy and water (river) if possible into the logo. I've uploaded some other logo's that looked simple but appealing to assist.

    Check out my teams Facebook page at :

    Welcome to Facebook

  4. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    Cheers mate...

    I will try and knock something up over the weekend (that's if CP n modman don't beat me to it)

    Always nice to see others give up their free time to help other peeps, as you can tell we on the forum like that!!
  5. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    Here's what I came up with (hopefully blended all elements you wanted?)

    Attached Files:

    • GR.jpg
      File size:
      91.5 KB
  6. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    and with a different colour

    Attached Files:

    • gr2.jpg
      File size:
      84.8 KB
  7. kwunited

    kwunited New Member

    Sorry about the absence! I was in the States for a week. Can we try something a little less abstract? Simple but professional. Also the association is Grand River Soccer.

  8. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    Sorry about the name, don't know why I did it like that!!!

    Is this on the lines you require?

    Attached Files:

    • GR.jpg
      File size:
      110.3 KB
  9. kwunited

    kwunited New Member

    Hi Forest and thanks for taking the time to work on it. I may need to sit down with someone and go over this locally. I do appreciate your efforts, but the logo didn't meet the approval of the others.

  10. DPbrad

    DPbrad New Member

    If I have some free time tomorrow I would like to give this a go, have a decent idea for a badge.

    EDIT: Why is my signature not showing up???
  11. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    See PM i sent you

    Your paypal account link shows - Fatal Failure
  12. GG

    GG Active Member

    I got the same message through your paypal link too. Not sure if Ish sent you instructions on how to do it so let me know if he has but in short you need to create a donation button and when you get the code at the end click on e-mail and link the work to the e-mail link not the code.
  13. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    kwunited - I thought DPbrad was going to attempt to post, how about something along this lines?
    Why a trophy for a new team? Strong aspirations of being in the top 3!
    I made it plan in-case you were going to use it for a embroidered patch.

    Graphics removed - tired of requesters looking and not commenting. 9-28-2010
    it is a waste of my time and others.
  14. DPbrad

    DPbrad New Member

    Sorry, had some important work come up...

    Will not be able to fill this request. Sorry again!
  15. 1970Forest

    1970Forest Moderator Staff Member

    Thought I'd give this 1 last go and hope it's more to your liking?

    Attached Files:

    • gr.jpg
      File size:
      62.2 KB
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