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Others RX FoOdS pAcKaGiNg SlEeVe

Discussion in 'General' started by XxC3S1UMxX, Jan 24, 2009.

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  1. XxC3S1UMxX

    XxC3S1UMxX New Member

    My employer is not impressed with the design for the sleeve which encloses the container for RX Foods. All of the necessary paraphenilia would be printed on the inside (not visible portion) of the container box. The outside of the container has a front, back and two sides, thereby making it a sleeve whcih thereafter is bubblepacked in plastic. Can you help with the design layout for RX Foods by SynergyFirst?

    The Box Layout is attached to this thread.
    The design and RxFoods Logo is on the following website:

    Top portion of website shows three meals. The entire area under "SynergyFirst - Home - Services.....", and above the "Place order with - Proposal for delivery - Download Rx Form" in my opinion, should be the design for the top of the Rx Foods box. Price should be removed and "MySolution - Day One" should instead say "MySolution, Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner)", (removing the "Day One").

    On the top and bottom of the box template, where the sleeves fold, it should not say "Synergy First", but rather the "Rx Foods by Synergy First" logo on the website.

    The slogan for this product is ("Satisfying and delicious [next line] Doctor prescribed and nutritious")

    Needs to appear delicious, rather than proscriptive... Since your work is excellent, we were wondering what you can do with this. :D

    Please attach the photoshop ready TIF file together with the image.

    Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter,
  2. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Please go to 'edit' and resize the pictures in your post.
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