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Legacy requesting

Discussion in 'Archived' started by steven_elvisda, Jun 6, 2006.

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  1. steven_elvisda

    steven_elvisda New Member

    Dear everyone,
    I have one company my company is QoS-System and my web site is h**p://www.qos-systems.com and it is provide IT services building system on factory garment.
    Now i would to every one help me to design my logo of my company:
    - this is my text of logo QoS
    - please help me to design this logo and attach it with ur step that desgining it.
    - any color that you want
    - any style that you wan
    - ...

    and this is my logo that i designed.
    Thank in advance.
  2. slyser

    slyser New Member

    dead link.
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