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Legacy Requesting a Logo Design.

Discussion in 'Archived' started by sobitech, Mar 28, 2010.

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  1. sobitech

    sobitech New Member


    I'm really in a huge need of a logo, I tried dozens of variations, but never got the result I was looking for, because i have no drawing skills T_T. Anyway, my friends and I will be making a website which will produce tips for amateur filmmakers with no budged etc. and other stuff that we're still negotiating on. The design I'm interested in is something like:
    http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs23/f/2007/349/0/1/019c25b8c32c1989.jpg (without the dots)

    or something like:

    Which ever you decide will be easier to make and better looking.

    NOTE: I'm looking for just one design but with 2 different color variations: a balck one and a white one. No texts, no effectsm no nothing and if possible in a high resolution for when making posters etc. Something like 1600x1200 if possible, if not it is okay. :) I'll let your imaginations be the master. Thank you very much in advance.


    1) What is your website address? - N/A yet.
    2) Description of your website: Filmmaking tips for amateur artists
    3) List 3 logo designs you really like & why:
    Somehow, I love these designs.

    4) Requested size of your logo: 1600x1200 or lower
    5) Do you have any images/photos/clipart that can be used for the logo? - Nope...
    6) Any colors you prefer? - Just simple black and white.

    All the best,

  2. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    sobitech - Welcome to FWT
    Reading your post it sounds like you are an expert in your field but
    you might want to leave the size to the experts here.
    FYI - I attached a graphic (scaled down to 700x525 pixels) for size comparison as a logo is normally small, no larger than 1 inch by 1 inch. Most logos are made slightly larger and reduced down to ensure crispness when displayed on the screen, larger versions are usually for commercial printing printing. The same as in the digital filmmakers would. Also the file size would be astronomical. We have had several people ask for overly large files when not necessary, so you aren't the only one.
    Will you are waiting look around and join in somewhere.

    Attached Files:

    • size.jpg
      File size:
      76.1 KB
  3. sobitech

    sobitech New Member

    I'm aware of the 1''x1'' logo size, but it doesn't work for me. I want such resolution because we will probably make live presentations with big flags and posters etc. Anyway I only asked if it's possible. I leave the size to the artists. :)

    Thank you.

    PS: I almost forgot, if possible: I would like a alpha-channel bg and the logo in psd format? Thanks.
  4. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    It's always about communication.. "I'm really in a huge need of a logo,"
    and refining it down to needs and wants. So you are looking for a vector based image to resize at will.
  5. sobitech

    sobitech New Member

    Yes, that's exactlty what i need. :)
  6. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    I know all the graphic artists are busy so why you are waiting look around and join in somewhere. See if you can help anyone or maybe give us allitle something on tips for amateur filmmakers, it could help with those who produce their own and post them on their websites.
  7. sobitech

    sobitech New Member

    Sure, i will look around.
  8. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Just a black and/or white image. Flat, no '3D' look (as in the graphics urls you've posted.)


    To me, all those images you prefer are variations of celtic knots.

    Tried a knot without any 'effectsm' but it looks daggy. (aussie for crappy)
    Here it is in black and white on alternate backgrounds.

    Attached Files:

  9. sobitech

    sobitech New Member

    Hello, CP.

    First of all, thank you for your assistance.
    Second, the design is not daggy actually, it's pretty good. I really haven't paid that much of attention that the design I'm requesting really looks like a seltic knot. I really love the design, but unfortunately it has waay too much knots. If it's possible to reduce the knots it will be splendid. Please note that I don't require this specific design,as stated in the first post. If it's easier to make a design similar to this one: http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/9751/98489398.jpg
    It will be as good as the other way around. Whichever you think looks better. I really do appreciate your help, for which I thank you, but it's too complexed. :) If it's easier for your to make a design based on the image linked above, it makes no difference at all to me.

    Thank you.
  10. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Something more simplified.

    Attached Files:

  11. sobitech

    sobitech New Member

    Hello, SP.

    Thank you again for your work. I have discussed with my teammates who will help me with the website and we will gladly use the first design. :) If you will be so kind to send it to me (both black and white) under ai or psd format with alpha-channel background (no bg) here in pm or email: sobitech1@gmail.com or however you choose, I will be forever thankful! Thank you again for your help. This site is great. :p
  12. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Do you mean this one?

    If yes, then which one, black or white? And do you want the 3D part as well?

  13. sobitech

    sobitech New Member

    Yes, i mean that one.
    I want both black and white. If it is no trouble for you the 3D as well. If not, it's okay. :p

    Thank you. :)
  14. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Attached is zip of logo.
    Black, white and 3D of each.
    Let me know when you have the file downloaded so I can remove it from the forum.

  15. sobitech

    sobitech New Member

    Downloaded. Thank you very much! :)

    All the best,

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