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Legacy Punk pop/rock band logo please!

Discussion in 'Archived' started by robbohimself, May 31, 2006.

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  1. robbohimself

    robbohimself New Member

    We've bin lookin round 4 ages for a logo for our band, would be great if you could help us, out we're lookin for sumfin, catchy and almost amusing, we dont mind if its jus the name "Freedumb 32" sumwhere, or if it has an image in of sum sort we jus need sumfin professional;
    thanks alot, cya! oh n cud u make an album cover with the created logo on please and a back cover for an album without the logo?-if that makes sense***

    Check us out if it helps, www.myspace.com/freedumb32
  2. slyser

    slyser New Member

    IMO your asking a little too much, come back in about 2months when people have for got about this, but yeah i'll have a go at making a LOGO for your band! ;)
  3. slyser

    slyser New Member

    Finished somthing, what do you think?


    Tryed to make it look like somthing on your MySpace!
  4. robbohimself

    robbohimself New Member

    hey cheers will probly get used , yeh akno we wer just despr8 for stuff for wa album , soz lol! cyal8a
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