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JavaScript Pros and Cons Of JavaScript

Discussion in 'Web Development' started by thaiyalkaari, Apr 2, 2010.

  1. thaiyalkaari

    thaiyalkaari New Member

    Hi Friends,

    JavaScript is the most popular scripting language that is used in the client-side script programming on the Web. A lot of kinds of modern Web browsers have support of it. And many Websites nowadays contain features that are based on JavaScript.

    Pros :

    JavaScript effects are much faster to download than some other front-end technologies like Flash and Java applets.

    The Java Script don't need any extra tools to write JavaScript, any plain text or HTML editor will do, so there's no expensive development software to buy.

    It's also an easy language to learn, and there's a thriving and supportive online community of JavaScript developers and information resources.

    Cons :

    The JavaScript is a web development, are almost entirely related to browser compatibility.

    I know only this information anybody know extra information please share with me. Thank You
  2. enigma1

    enigma1 New Member

    Another problem with javascript is that the server cannot tell in advance if the client allows javascript. So if your pages expect the client to always run with jscripts you may have problems with visitors who block it.

    Then you also have search engines. Search engines won't decode easily jscripts if at all. So if you have a popup dialog with some news, the dialog maybe loaded using ajax but there will be no mechanism for the spider to fetch it (by default at least). So what the search engines index from your web-site content pages maybe way limited.

    In general the framework you run your site on has to be created to support both cases without duplicating development effort. That will be ideal but most frameworks I see do not have it.

    Another issue is as you add in new jscripts the page size grows a lot. So you can easily find say a jscript that does the task you want, but integrating it maybe hard. Lots of sites I've seen have hundreds of jscript lines expanding in the HTML header. This is as bad as having the entire stylesheet expanded together with the HTML.