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Legacy Please help me with a logo/badge for an adult soccer team in the US

Discussion in 'Archived' started by NSI, Jul 10, 2009.

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  1. NSI

    NSI New Member

    Thi is such a great site. Thank you God.
    I have been searching for days and days and finally came across this site. I have taken a look at some of your Logos that you have created for people and frankly they are beutiful.
    I am in dire need of a logo and was wondering if you could please help me.
    I manage an adult soccer team made up of dads over 40 years in age. We have a uniform on oder but on hold because we cannot figure out a type of logo. If you could please help me we would truly appreciate it. If there is a fee or a donation I could make we could do that as well.
    1) What is your website address: We don't have one but maybe at some later point.
    2) Description of your website:North Shore Internationals
    3) List 3 logo designs you really like & why: I have seen some wonderful crests or badges on here I just wish we could have something like them. We truly don't have a clue as to what it should look like or the colors it should have. Not more than three colors. Maybe white, Red and Yellow. It is going to be applied on a black shirt.
    4) Requested size of your logo: not sure on the size to be honest, i guess normal football club size. Maybe 3.5 inches by 3.5inches or 4"by4"?
    5) Do you have any images/photos that can be used for the logo ( only copyright free ones )? Not really but imagine a badge, crest style, with the words North Shore Internationals around it maybe a picture of the aerth within the crest, a soccer ball, NSI, and also some kind of latin saying in a banner for "soccer and peace or soccer bringing the world together" at the bottom. Maybe a dove with an olive branch. It doesn't have to be in a crest it can also be oval shaped. Whatever renders itself better.
    If anyone can help me design this we would be most grateful.
    Thank you so much.
  2. unhallowedangel

    unhallowedangel Logo Specialist

    What about this?

    Okay so i looked at some ideas. What do you think of this.
  3. unhallowedangel

    unhallowedangel Logo Specialist

    Better Version

    Heres the same thing with the dove.:D
  4. unhallowedangel

    unhallowedangel Logo Specialist

    Do ya like?
  5. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Hi Frank,
    If you could point out (URL of the post) the crests I've done on here that you like, I can alter them to suit your team and team colours.

  6. unhallowedangel

    unhallowedangel Logo Specialist

    I got this CovertPea. It be nice if ya got to my logo sooner or later... :(
  7. unhallowedangel

    unhallowedangel Logo Specialist

    Well if ya like it take it, if not dont. Im logging off.
  8. NSI

    NSI New Member

    thank you..

    I have faith in you but I guess I would have to see a few examples if possible. Here are some badge style examples I downloaded from this site but I also saw a round one which was beautiful but I can no longer find it. It was two circles with the name of the team in it and a soccer ball embedded with a silhoutte in the middle.
    The Jersey we'll use is black.
    I was thinking of something that embodies soccer (maybe somekind of silhoutte...football player kicking a ball), mixed with an International theme (the earth)..our team is made up of players from all over the world.
    We represent "a bunch of guys who are from different countries who put aside their differences and come together to play soccer..maybe a dove (peace symbol?)..Maybe a four sided badge? and a banner with a latin phrase.. one that fits and makes more sense (see below) I guess I would have to see some examples..sorry to be so wishy washy..thanks

    I'll look around to see if I can find more examples..ideas..etc

    Most favorite:

    aut vincere aut mori - Either to conquer or to die nulli secundus - Second to none
    Potius mori quam foedari - death before dishonour
    Ubi concordia, ibi victoria - Where is the unity, ther

    and others:
    Concordia res parvae crescent - Work together to accomplish more
    Coniunctis viribus - With united powers
    Dum spiramus tuebimur - While we breathe, we shall defend
    dum vita est spes est - While there's life, there's hope

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  9. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Unhallowedangel -
    Sorry mate, I don't do any band logos on here. They're way beyond my capabilities.
    (Maybe because I belong to the older 50+ age group) :)
    I'm sure one of our younger members will get to it eventually as we're all behind in our requests right now.

  10. NSI

    NSI New Member

    Thank you but I'd rather Cp work on it

    No Offense unhallowedangel,
    I was referred to CP as he's been doing professional looking team logos for a long time and would like him to work on it, if he can give me the time of course.
    Not trying to suck up here but I think CP is the best at this stuff. He has a great imagination, an excellent eye, and I would be forever thankful if he can find the time to help me out of a jam. Thank you.
  11. NSI

    NSI New Member

    More Examples attached!

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  12. NSI

    NSI New Member

    Here is an international ball

    came across this JPG maybe it will come in handy or maybe elicit an idea?
    Thanks again

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  13. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Nice graphic but lots of colours. The more colours, the more expensive your printing will be. :(
    Here's two ideas. Wrong colouring for one but looks okay. (smaller than actual size)

    Attached Files:

  14. unhallowedangel

    unhallowedangel Logo Specialist

    Im sorry...

    Im sorry. I just wanted to try and help. My dream is to be a designer but im not too good yet. Anyway, go ahead and Cp can help you.

    (images removed. If you want a review, repost in your own thread please.)
  15. NSI

    NSI New Member

    CovertPea, those are absolutely beautiful.
    For the first one though, I am not sure about the blue on the outside of the logo. Can we try to make that red and see how it looks? Also if you can set the background color to black so that we can get a better idea of how it will look. The Latin Word should also start with a Capital letter "Coniunctis"

    I agree with you, less colors the better.

    For the second one, also beatiful, although the correct name is North Shore Internationals. "S" at the end.

    Hate to be a pain, and if I am please tell me where to go, anyway of seeying what the first one would look like using these types of Badges? I was thinking something more European looking.
    CP, just cururious, there is no way of also working the entire name in the first one?
    You know, its really your fault, you have created so many beautiful logos you really make it very difficult to choose.

    Surprise me.. Hehehe Thank you.

    PS. CP, You kknow in the 2nd logo where you have the balls going around, I saw a logo on here where you have a bunch of stars which together make shape of balls..how would that look? I'll look around a bit and see if I can find any more examples..

    Attached Files:

  16. NSI

    NSI New Member

    Thanks for trying

    I don't want you to think I'm unapreciative. I do thank you for trying to help. We are an aged professional team and thus need something more professioanal at this time. Thank you though.

    PS. Some of the guys are playing a friendly Against Brazil on August 2nd in Lynn, MA
    Check it out..

  17. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Any better?

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  18. NSI

    NSI New Member

    Vey Nice but I must admit I like the previous ones better

    CP, thank you so very much. I'll try to not take up too much more of your time and get out of your hair asap.

    Can I ask to please work with the original two logos again.

    We have two teams one who wears yellow (over 50) and the other who wears black (over 40). Since both teams have the same name "North Shore Internationals" we decided to adopt the same Logo for both teams.

    I'll present all of the logos you have designed to the members of both teams but I believe the first two work best on both Yellow and Black. Do you agree?

    If I could ask to please make a few more changes to both.

    1. To the first logo (the original blue and yellow NSI logo) would it be possible to have the Latin phrase be in something like the second version and not a banner. Can we make the colors stand out a bit more? It seems that the white border of the current banner is washing out against the white soccer ball as well.
    2. Could you work in the "Est. 1999" as you have done in many others?
    3. Have a banner on the bottom of the logo with the entire "North Shore Internationals" name in it (see attached examples..I like the 3D style of the BS FC banner but maybe with a bit more curvature as in the History FC banner) as the banner would probably have to be longer because of the long name. Not sure what color the banner or the writing should it be but it has to be something striking that stands out on both a yellow Jersey and a Black Jersey.

    I am attaching other logos you created. Plese see the Banner at the bottom of the Logos and see if they can work here..
    If it is too much please let me know.

    For the Second Logo (The original round yellow, white, red and black medallion), I would probably keep as is although I'm not too sure how it would look on Yellow since it has yellow stripes in it? Hummm..than again so does the first logo.
    In any event, I would like a couple of changes if you could, please!

    1. Currently the emphasis in on the words "North Shore" as it is a bigger font than "Internationals". Can we make them the same size font? Make sure Internationals has an "S" at the end.
    2. Not sure @ all the balls going around the Earth. How would a soccer ball at the bottom of the logo as in the 1st badge look? or maybe instead of all of the balls, just have one ball as it is now at the bottom of the earth.
    4.Could you work in the "Est. 1999" or "EST 1999" whatever looks better to you!
    5. Could you also please look at the spacing between the top White outer circle and the yellow inner circle (the amount of red in between) and the bottom same circles. The spacings between inner and outer circles should be unifrom all around right? Or is there a reason as to why they are so? What do I know.

    See attached logo for Banner example to use for the first logo and CP.....have I said thank you, thank you, thank you?


    PS. CP, please don't delete any of these logos, so far you did four. I would like to show all of them if you don't mind but can you also fix the second original one to say Internationals (with the S). Thank you.

    PSS> I just love the History FC badge you did. Stunning Work.

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  19. NSI

    NSI New Member

    Here is the uniform

    In case you were wondering, here is the uniform for my Over 40 Team. I don't have a picture for the Yellow Jersey (over 50 team)
    Thanks again.

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  20. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Here are re-do's of the first 2.
    That long name will continue to be a problem. With 10 (top) and 14 (lower) characters, you can't have the same size fonts. (believe me, I've tried) :eek:
    both colour backgrounds shown.

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