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Legacy Please can somebody design for me.

Discussion in 'Archived' started by noobs4tubes, Jul 12, 2009.

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  1. noobs4tubes

    noobs4tubes New Member

    Hi, im looking for somebody who is willing to design me a Clan avatar and Logo for my COD4 clan on gamebattles. Here is the information that i would like to designed. The clan name is ***One Shot, One Kill***

    Avatar (64x64):- Black and Red Colour Scheme
    OsOk (Clan Tag Lettering) (In blood effect if possible)

    Logo (300x200):- Black and Red Colour Scheme
    One Shot, One Kill (Clan Name) (In blood if possible)

    Thank you very much, if you need to contact me for any reason my xbox 360 gamertag is Noobs4Tubes LTD.
  2. unhallowedangel

    unhallowedangel Logo Specialist

    Ok ill see what i can do
  3. noobs4tubes

    noobs4tubes New Member


    Thank You. Much appreciated
  4. unhallowedangel

    unhallowedangel Logo Specialist

    Very rough draft...

    well i didnt get alot of info of what to do, but just put this together. what ya think and keep in mind i can change the background image as well.
  5. noobs4tubes

    noobs4tubes New Member

    awesome mate. that is brilliant
  6. unhallowedangel

    unhallowedangel Logo Specialist

    Do you want it? Give me your email and i will send you it.
  7. noobs4tubes

    noobs4tubes New Member

    well dont rush sendin it mate, if you have time just make what u think looks awesome lol,

  8. noobs4tubes

    noobs4tubes New Member

    i dont want to sound ungratefully but if its possible i would prefer it not having a picture background, sorry if this offends you or anything. some thing like this background would be ideal.......


  9. unhallowedangel

    unhallowedangel Logo Specialist

    Ok ill make a freakin insane one foe you mate :)
  10. noobs4tubes

    noobs4tubes New Member

    yea mate, thats what im talkin about lol....ur a great guy....cheers

    p.s i will advertise ur name on the clan page coz u designed it
  11. unhallowedangel

    unhallowedangel Logo Specialist

    What ya think?

    I used your preferences and put together an amazing font that i made. What ya think? And i can change or add stuff as well.
  12. unhallowedangel

    unhallowedangel Logo Specialist

    Or With COD4 txt

    Here :) Its with COD on it :)
  13. noobs4tubes

    noobs4tubes New Member

    i cant see the image on here, i noticed you mentioned something about you removing all images. Please can you email it to me at chaoticparadox@hotmail.co.uk. Cheers mate
  14. unhallowedangel

    unhallowedangel Logo Specialist

    Sorry, i just got back from vacation. And yes, i will email them too you. Im so behind lol.
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