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Graphic Tools Photoshop similar free software

Discussion in 'Free Services' started by mayflower, Dec 8, 2008.

  1. mayflower

    mayflower New Member

    valerie20110 likes this.
  2. gwnhwyvar

    gwnhwyvar New Member

    WoW - thanks, checking that out...
  3. Yeah, just go for GIMP. There's a lot of tuts on the Net.
  4. agomez78

    agomez78 New Member

    If you are a programmer and have inclinations on Java and into Images, you might want to look at ImageJ. It is based on the Java language and it allows users to create their own plug-ins they could use to enhance raw images. It is great because you do not have to rely on what is just available but be able to work on something new that will suit your taste.
  5. Shirsendu

    Shirsendu New Member

    Some of the best free software alternative to Photoshop are:
    1. Gimp
    2. Pixlr
    3. Paint.Net
    4. PicMonkey
    carol7950 likes this.