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Legacy P.r.e.s.s. S.t.a.r.t.

Discussion in 'Archived' started by p.r.e.s.s.s.t.a.r.t., May 27, 2008.

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  1. First off, I want to apologize for typing with so many periods. I cant have people searching "P.r.e.s.s. S.t.a.r.t" (w/o periods) and have this site come up... no offense, it has NOTHING to do with this site.
    Anyway... I would appreciate it if someone could make a logo for me saying "P.r.e.s.s. S.t.a.r.t." (w/o periods). Its the name of a website im building. It is for a site with comics that I design with a friend. As for color scheme, I dont care. Major design theme would be something video game related. I would like to maybe have some type of game controller in the logo with the "Start" button emphasized. I thank in advanced for your help. I have heard many many great things about the designers here.
  2. CriticalDesign

    CriticalDesign New Member

    I've got an idea, I'll give it a shot, if you wish you can PM me to keep track of me and make sure I don't forget XD
  3. Thank you. Will do.
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