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Discussion in 'Web Development' started by gilbertsavier, Aug 4, 2009.

  1. gilbertsavier

    gilbertsavier New Member

    Hey guys,
    I am looking for help with my OOPS code for connecting to MySQL, just for people that don't know what OOPS is Object Oriented Programming.

    I am trying to connect to my database (MSQL) using this technology, however all my coding just does not seem to be working

    The first code I tried was this one, however since i am on a shared server it seems that mysqli does not work??? DONT ask me why.
    and as i am trying to make something for other site owners to use i need it to work with out them having to contact there administrators asking them to allow mysqli
    $mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "desvisa_v", "******", "desvisa_site");

    /* check connection */
    if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
    printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());

    if ($result = $mysql->query("SELECT title FROM push_content LIMIT 10")) {
    printf("Select returned %d rows.\n", $result->num_rows);

    /* free result set */

    My second code, well i did not make the code, just copied and paste, BUT man it is way to confussing and i am just not understanding it.
    class MyDatabase
    // The var that stores the last
    // used SQL statement
    var $SQLStatement = "";

    // The var that stores the error
    // (if any)
    var $Error = "";

    function MyDatabase()
    // Config for the database
    // connection
    $this->DBUser = "desvisa_v";
    $this->DBPass = "*****";
    $this->DBName = "desvisa_site";
    $this->DBHost = "localhost";

    function Connect()
    //Connect to a mysql database
    $this->db = mysql_connect($this->DBHost,
    $this->DBUser, $this->DBPass) or
    die("MYSQL ERROR: ".mysql_error());
    // Select the database
    $this->db) or die("MYSQL ERROR:

    // Disconnect from the MYSQL database
    function Disconnect()
    mysql_close($this->db) or die("MYSQL
    ERROR: ".mysql_error());
    So if any one can come up with a OOPS way to connect to a mysql database, I would be forever in your debt.

    Thanks & regards