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HTML Newbie

Discussion in 'Web Development' started by dubsbhoy, Feb 1, 2009.

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  1. dubsbhoy

    dubsbhoy New Member

    Hey everyone, new to the site and the world of webdesign and even newer to stealing other people's work :D

    Slight problem i am having at the moment.........I'll try explain it as best i can.

    I have downloaded a template, have everything working the way i want it but with 3 of the navigation buttons once i insert the hyperlink it gives the usual blue link wrapped around the nav button which looks crap.

    I've tried changing it from page properties but all i can do is get a colour close enough to the actual button........still looks crap though.

    Any help appreciated

    Please & Thanks
  2. sunnee

    sunnee New Member

    Hello and welcome!
  3. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Post your stolen code so we can see it and which template are you using.
    It's really hard to see your computer from over here.
  4. dubsbhoy

    dubsbhoy New Member


    Ta Ta
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