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Legacy New logo for Photography business

Discussion in 'Archived' started by santabarbarapix, Jan 25, 2010.

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  1. santabarbarapix

    santabarbarapix New Member

    1. WEBSITE: santabarbarapix.com/

    2. Professional photography for your event. We work with national magazines, high schools, colleges, newspapers and more. You can feel confident your sporting events, graduations, weddings, parties, proms, etc., will be covered by professional, experienced photographers.

    3. attached - like the simple look, clear wording, but also the 'cartoon look' of the cafe logo.

    4. Will be used for print work (brochures, banners) and t-shirts, business cards. Either various sizes or EPS format. We also plan to have t-shirt give-aways to local schools for athletes to wear for practice/warm-ups, advertising our site.

    5. Nothing currently

    6. Colors - being Santa Barbara, we have adopted shades of blue. (ocean)

    7. MORE: As you can see from the attached samples, I like simple designs. Colorful is helpful to draw attention, but the right look will work in black & white or multiple colors.

    8. We want an 'image' make-over and have no problems paying for the work. I have seen better work samples on this forum than the artist we paid $600 and got nothing from.

    Attached Files:

  2. guestgone

    guestgone Guest

    I will do your logo. I am an actual graphic artist (currently a student) and I specalize in the logo department! (that's why I'm here) I did Gstarr's candle logo and he was so happy with it! PM me if you would like me to design something for you! my portfolio is at facebook

    Login | Facebook
  3. guestgone

    guestgone Guest

    I just sent a pm to you :) for some reason I"m having trouble posting on the forum
  4. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    Your messages were blocked by our anti-spam tool sorry for that.
    I approved your posts, so you can post on the forum now.
    Don't just pm your logo creation, try to post your logo creation on the forum we all like to see your work.
  5. guestgone

    guestgone Guest

    okay, I will post it here! I was just PMing becasue I was having trouble and I didn't know if it was the site or not. I am working on something now :)
  6. GG

    GG Active Member

    Hi :)

    I've had a go at your request and here's the design :)

  7. santabarbarapix

    santabarbarapix New Member

    Nice work GenuineGraphics.... I was hoping for something a bit more squared vs long. Mainly for better printing on t-shirts - I already use our name as "SantaBarbaraPix.xom" on pens - need to have a bolder presence on shirts so they draw attention to those in the audience of basketball games, volleyball, etc. (The company we use for printing shirts has a 12" x 12" print area on front & back).
  8. GG

    GG Active Member

    Hi :)

    so you'de like the design to be 12" x 12"? or another design to be 12" x 12"?
  9. santabarbarapix

    santabarbarapix New Member

    Not necessarily 12x12 ... the way it is in the santabarbarapix submitted, when that reaches the maximum 12" width, the height is very small due to the width of the name. (Not your fault, I need a better name).

    More 'square' would give me more coverage area on a t-shirt or other print work that has limits on height & width.

  10. GG

    GG Active Member

    Oh ok so you'de like the text to be more 'square' so that when it is stretched to 12" width it won't look as bad because the height would be good enough?

    If I just make the text height a bit taller wouldn't that do?

    Also you havn't stated the size you would like in the description? what size would you like it to be?
  11. santabarbarapix

    santabarbarapix New Member

    Close... Right now, say the image you made is 6" long by 2" tall. If I re-size to 12" wide, then it is 4" tall - difficult to read from the length of a basketball court. If Santa was on one line, Barbara on a second line and Pix on a third line, then the size would be closer to square, taking up more of the available space.

    How about something with a nice flowing font and maybe a Red-Green-Blue Swoosh behind the words? (I'd say CMYK, but nobody would understand that).
  12. GG

    GG Active Member

    ohhhh now I get it thanks :D sorry i'll give it a go and post it up sometime tommorow (UK Time) :)
  13. GG

    GG Active Member

    Ok before I go I thought i'de give it a quick try. You looking for something like this?


  14. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

  15. santabarbarapix

    santabarbarapix New Member

    Let me clarify... when I say nobody would understand CMYK, I'm talking about the general public looking at the logo - not those offering graphic design.

    - mike
  16. santabarbarapix

    santabarbarapix New Member

    genuinegraphics.... thanks

    Very close to what I'm thinking... I like the script version - has a nice flow to it.

    I think the only thing I would alter is the greenish background color.. but I have to look at this a bit more and see how it feels...

    Thanks, nice work and fast.

  17. GG

    GG Active Member

    Hi :)

    No problem :) I'll change it to a more Blue colour and you can decide how it looks.
  18. GG

    GG Active Member

    Thought I'de do it Red & Blue because of the text involving those colours.

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