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New Designer

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Blandy Does, Jul 14, 2008.

  1. Blandy Does

    Blandy Does New Member



    A site I am working on, my own...

    Anyone wanting affordable website solutions just pass on through!


  2. pezboy45

    pezboy45 Mod/Design & Coder [Pro]

    Please don't self advertise.
    We do things for free here.
  3. Blandy Does

    Blandy Does New Member


    Says the guy with a massive advert for himself as a signature. Fact is there are no rules saying do not advertise, I just wanted to let people know that I was there, I had no intentions of spamming people or posting multiple threads. I saw others doing it and thought why not. I am happy that this site is free, in fact I will submit my own free templates soon for people.

    Thanks for your comments though even though you are quite blatantly doing the same mate! Think before you post... ;-)

  4. Blandy Does

    Blandy Does New Member

    Please don't self advertise.
    We do things for free here.
    Andrew Kemp
    If I ever don't follow up on something, please feel free to PM me. I've got a lot going on, so a friendly reminder helps. ;)
    AK designs
    Web Design
    All Graphic Design

    SEE??? Oh and the link to your own portfolio in the bottom right hand corner. How can you justify that? Oh its your signature, well I am sorry mate but we dont advertise around these parts... maybe you should take it off? Just a suggestion...

    Here's another one... dont go about telling people not to do somethign especially when your doing it in their faces. Thank you
  5. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Okay then, how about I also tell you not to advertise yourself here?

    Pezboy and many others here have EARNED the RIGHT to do a little self advertising on FWT as they have happily put in many, many hours of free design work for those members who cannot otherwise afford to pay a 'professional'.

    YOU, Mr Blandy Does DON'T have that right!

  6. t3-web

    t3-web New Member

    You have my full support on that. Either Pezboy and CovertPea should be condecorated members on this site by the work they do and by the help thay have given everybody here. And neither of them has opened a new thread to advertise or charge for their services...
    This website is called FreeWebsiteTemplates for some reason! Free is the keyword here.
    I mentioned Pezboy an CovertPea but there are much more members here that made excelent works helping out the forum users...
    If you want advertisement try google Adwords or AdSense. :cool:

    Ps- I also advertise in my signature... My self beauty :D
  7. Cazion

    Cazion New Member

    Dear Blandy
    I assume that you are new in forums posting :)
    I do not know if you are aware of what means spam and what means advertise?
    It is simple to advertise your website, just write something useful and put your signature with your url, that's it.
    the way you did it above is really a spam and attract attention, be sure on another forum you will be banned.

  8. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    LOL :p T3 - You really crack me up! :p
  9. Blandy Does

    Blandy Does New Member

    Self Promotion

    Look I understand and I agree never to self promote ever again, that is the Blandy Does way.

    I offer my apologise to anyone who may have been upset to find a post saying I can offer a service, especially as it is on a Free* website. I shall be producing some designs for this site to pay my dues as well but I have to be honest, no has the right to tell me whether I can or can't advertise myself. Business is business and you have to be cold hearted in that way, shameless almost...

    Feel free to delete me off the forum if you like, I only joined to see what other's do on these things and it seems to me as if it is a "this is my space area" do as I say and not as I do... So with that in mind I did what you guys do and I got in trouble. oops* Again my bad, just didn't follow the rules.

    Now I am a rule player, would I be allowed to stay and chat with you all or would you prefer it if Blandy Does - Go somewhere else? lol

    Maybe I shall set up my own forum where you lot can come and advertise yourselves on a free site! In fact that is what I will do, I am working on a digital networking site so by all means come follow me.

    It is a big world in the land of nod and there is plenty of space for everyone, all I say is, I am sorry for making an advert out of my life, I wont advertise Blandy Does any more and I will try to stay off the forum from now on...

    Have a good life people, I know I will - why - cause thats what....

    Blandy Does.


    Peace x
  10. pezboy45

    pezboy45 Mod/Design & Coder [Pro]

    Your doing it again, ever "blandy does" is a link.

    If someone where to search for "Blandy Does" it will come up with FWT.
    Not your website.
    So, in actuality, putting it over and over again in the forum, works against you.
  11. Blandy Does

    Blandy Does New Member

    I am not that stupid...

    Hello again,

    I am not that stupid, I know how search engines work and yes it will find this forum, so in a way I have helped you out now. :D

    Look I will sit here and not say a word from now on ok,

    Thank you

    Richard Bland
  12. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    A Quote from the Networking Page of Brandy Does -

    "So what is this Network we keep going on about?
    This is a digital business networking site that allows anyone to join as long as they agree to the rules of entry. They have to be online and have VOIP (Skype) capabilities. They must be willing to promote one another in the network and finally they must be genuine in their attempts as a group to give back to their community. Email me for more info now..."

    Here is a novel idea -
    Help out, by answering a question or two.
    Put your company info in your signature section, discretely of course and people will click through to find you.
    I check my stats, so I know it works.
  13. t3-web

    t3-web New Member

    Well it doesn´t work for me... I still haven´t been contacted by any hot girl so far...

    My signature isn´t doing it´s job righ :(


    Sorry for the of topic, just to ease up the tension...

    Be happy :p

  14. Blandy Does

    Blandy Does New Member

    I am confused

    I am confused, one minute your telling me to advertise myself the next your telling me not to advertise myself... which is it? I do not like to break rules but it seems where ever I turn on here people do. I must of come across the only two people in the whole world who were upset by me advertising myself, what luck eh!?

    Look I will be setting that network up and the main idea is to help one another find work and to help the local communities around us with projects online that can create funds for use in the community.

    If you are interested let me know but for now I have only just started out and I need to get my portfolio up and running as wise I will never get any work!

    Peace fellow freelancers.

    Blandy Does - How about you?

    Blandy Does :confused: