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Legacy need logo customatisation, plese help?

Discussion in 'Archived' started by hepek, Oct 6, 2006.

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  1. hepek

    hepek New Member

    I created clan logo for Clan Partizani (see attachemant) but I tried now to upgrade logo little bit but I did not know how

    my idea is to transform this exisiting logo in shield shape (like medievel knight shiel shape) and add two crossed rifles ( Russian semi-automatic rifle Tokarev from WWII)in background of shield.

    can you help me with this?


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  2. hepek

    hepek New Member

    If it is needed I have Tokarev photos?
    just let me know

    cheers and thanks
  3. hepek

    hepek New Member


    can anyone help?

    I o not get any feetback info...is there any problem or did I done wrong request? or I just pushing this to fast?
    my contact (e-mail nad msn) is : hepek071@hotmail.com

    any response, please!

    here is Tokarev photo

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  4. hepek

    hepek New Member

    this site sucks!

    :mad: really this site sucks

    I made at least 3 request in last month and there is no any feetback
    at least it would be nice that someone tells me at least that my requests are canceled
  5. killenatwill

    killenatwill New Member

    Can Someone Please Make Me A Template For Call Of Duty 2? So I Can Add It To My Website! At Freewebs.com!!!
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