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Web Design Need help with template from this site

Discussion in 'Web Design' started by Aditi, Aug 31, 2007.

  1. Aditi

    Aditi New Member

    hi there. first of all, thank you for existing. i found a great template that got my community site started for a World of Warcraft community using this template https://freewebsitetemplates.com/preview/worldofwarcraft/ which i found on your site.

    on to the point of my post...

    i get the general concept of html and css and have managed to customize the template with that limited knowledge and good 'ol MS Paint. but i've run into a rather frustrating problem on some of the later pages. basically i want to have two div sections going side by side - 1 to act as a toolbar of sorts on the left - and the other to act as the content container. this effect was captured well on the template you guys made - and i thought to just use the same div calls on the page as you did but it does not work for me. SOMEHOW i was able to get the page to line up (mostly) if viewed in Firefox - but i just discovered that it's totaly messed up in IE.

    can anyone help me with getting these final pages set? i would really really appreciate any help i can get.

    here are some of the pages - so you get an idea of the layout and the problem.


    oh, and if i need to put more of a shoutout or credit to you guys as the creators of the template (it is mentioned on the main page, currently) let me know and i will do whatever.
  2. Aditi

    Aditi New Member

    to be more clear, i think i'm having a problem with the CSS that's used in the template. i'm trying to use the same CSS to make the two backgrounds "float" next to each other and for whatever reason - IE is kicking the second background below the first one, instead of next to it. the only thing i see wrong with it - is that the second image is 1 pixil too small. but i don't imagine if it is margins or something - that it being smaller would move it down. i would figure that would happen if the second image surpassed the margins.

    so i'm stuck. any CSS help i can get to make this happen would be awesome.
  3. lmfrench

    lmfrench New Member

    It looks like you have figured it out. The site looks great!
  4. Aditi

    Aditi New Member

    Yeah, I totally did. The text div i was using on the left nav bar was overlapping with the text div on the main part. Apparently Firefox allows text to overlap while IE isn't having any of that, and threw the entire block blow the left one to accommodate for the text. :) Live and learn! Thanks for your comment on the site!
  5. lmfrench

    lmfrench New Member

    No problem, I am glad you were able to figure it out. I was away from the board for a while because I relocated...
