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Customization Need a WoW Site banner

Discussion in 'General' started by Ohsomagical, Apr 3, 2010.

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  1. Ohsomagical

    Ohsomagical New Member

    I know, this probably doesn't follow format, but at least I use grammar. :D.

    Ok, I need a WoW SITE designed, for some reason, I cannot post in template requests.

    I am creating a WoW Private server named "Elemental-WoW" and I would like a template/banner.

    Sites I LOVE:

    My favorite template is by far Epicwow.org's.

    I would also like a banner, demensions 468 x 60.

    Explaining that we are a 3.3.3 WoW private Server, We are Battleground and PvP orientated, and we have talented developers.

    I would like a World of Warcraft based site, and for banner ideas, a good site to go to would be
    /www.xtremetop100.com/ /www.xtremetop100.com/

    Thanks again,

    ~P.S. I will be using hostgator to host my website.

    I am also looking for Developers for my server if you guys are interested, you seem extremely talented.
    (I still need Co-Owners/Head Devs.)

    My site is: /www.elemental-wow/ /www.elemental-wow/ .webs.com

    Your links have been disabled - to much spam from WOW sites.
    Template Request has been closed for some time.
    Your friendly MOD
  2. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    Private WoW servers are illegeal. I don't think FWT wants to support these activities.

    Have a nice day.
  3. Re

    I agree with Recidivist
  4. chithra

    chithra New Member

    me too agree with these people.
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