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Closed Need a Starcraft Template for a Clan Website

Discussion in 'Archived' started by CornMuffin, Jan 18, 2007.

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  1. CornMuffin

    CornMuffin New Member

    I need a template for my Starcraft clan on the USEast gateway, Our Clan name is Clan Nemesis with the tag tN[Account] tN stands for The Nemesis, And Our Clan Channel is Clan tN on the USEast server

    1. This will be our site url, if you make a template, ClanNemesis.co.nr The site i have now is horrible, tN.kl4n.net, i hate it :( Also, if it helps, our forums are at http://z10.invisionfree.com/Clan_tN_Forums

    2. This website will be for a starcraft clan, for members to get the latest clan news and tournament results, recruiting info, and all that stuff that a clan website should have...

    3. I really like these templates, https://freewebsitetemplates.com/preview/worldofwarcraft/
    However, i like the first one the most

    4. I really like how these websites look,
    http://starcraft.theabyss.eu/ - I really like the graphics on this one

    5. I dont like our clan site right now at all...and i dont know any similar sites, and since i dont like our site right now, I see no point of mentioning any

    6. The only image i got that might fit with the site is this one, http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/9237/clantngt5.jpg but i really liked the banner that those two sites i mentioned in #4...(this image is copyright free, my friend made it)...but this is already the banner for the forums, and I would prefer to have different graphics on the website...so its not all the same

    7. There really are no colors i prefer, but try to stay away from white, or any very bright colors (any color is fine for the text if it matchs the background)
  2. CornMuffin

    CornMuffin New Member

  3. Connor

    Connor Moderator / Programmer

    Hi, thanks for requesting a template but not all templates will get a reply... we do not reply to every request that is made... only ones that ask a specific question that we think needs to be answered.
  4. CornMuffin

    CornMuffin New Member

    Thanks, I wasn't sure if you guys actually read it because of no reply, take your time then
  5. Ruthe

    Ruthe Community Manager

    Hi corn,

    Thank you for your request.

    Previously, your template request had to be put on hold due to insufficient resources; we are now pleased to announce that the template request forum will be relaunched on 24 March 2014.

    In appreciation of your patience and loyalty all these years, we would like to invite you to be among the first to have your customized template produced.

    If you would still like for this same template request to be processed, please reply to this thread within 30 days of this post and we will begin working on it as soon as possible.

    Please note that any request to accept this offer after the above stipulated period will not be entertained.

    I look forward to seeing you on FWT again!

    :) ruthe
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