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Legacy Need a DJ logo

Discussion in 'Archived' started by dJ.YOO, Mar 2, 2010.

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  1. dJ.YOO

    dJ.YOO New Member

    Hey, I've been spinning for about a year now and am in need of a DJ logo.

    Here is the link to the company im contracted to and the other DJ's logos that i am associated with.


    just click on the resident dj's button on the top bar and you can see a bunch of logos.

    I like Wes Straubs look or Scott James's look


    - dJ.YOO
  2. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    I seriously doubt you will get any help until you read the Sticky Posts in this forum and supply more info.
    nothing shows.
  3. GG

    GG Active Member


    Looking at your request I didn't get much information from it about what you wanted so I still give it a go. Also don't know your colour scheme you wanted so I just chose any that fitted right really. Anyways, let me know what you think...

  4. dJ.YOO

    dJ.YOO New Member

    Hubvibes: Music, Style & Nightlife

    Then click on resident Dj's and it should link you to our page full of resident dj's.

    as for logo's that i like, check out Dj wes straub and scott james's logos. Theyre also part of hubvibes and you'll be able to see them when you go onto the website

    Colours, im not really looking for anything much. Mostly black/white with perhaps an accent colour here and there would be nice

    and size wise, im looking for something horizontaly lenghty and not too vertical

    Thanks you guys!
  5. GG

    GG Active Member

    any chance on a feedback on the one I created?
  6. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    maybe something along these lines.
    letters are black and white.

    Attached Files:

  7. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    Just a quick idea I had while I was looking at ishkey's post. I didn't really know what to do with placements I was just trying something out.


  8. djchasela

    djchasela New Member

    Dj Chase Logo

    Could You Make Me A Dj Chase Logo I Would Surely Appreicate it
  9. Tiptoe

    Tiptoe New Member

    Couldnt come up with anything better :/

  10. Tiptoe

    Tiptoe New Member

    It's really hard to create something if the person has no idea what they want, but from the looks of "what you like" you just want something simple, right?

  11. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    If ye look at the dates, this post is old. Post was bumped by the guy above you.
  12. GG

    GG Active Member

  13. djchasela

    djchasela New Member

    Yea just hook me up with sumthin anything will do
  14. GG

    GG Active Member

    Ok you clearly don't understand this. Click this: https://freewebsitetemplates.com/forum/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=17

    Hopefully it'll take you to a new page so you can start your own thread. We won't be posting anything on this post because it is not yours so make a new one and then we can start on your logo...

    @lenzy01 good idea. Could do with a new section for that but we have to find the time to do that as sometimes we hardly get time to make these logos but great idea though :)
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