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Legacy Logo request needed for my personal Photo web site

Discussion in 'Archived' started by KiHoPhoto, May 19, 2010.

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  1. KiHoPhoto

    KiHoPhoto New Member

    1) What is your website address (ex: http://site.com ; Site Name)?
    My site is Kirk Howard Photography. I am currently looking for a logo to add to my wordpress blog.

    2) Description of your website:
    Kirk Howard Photography or KIRK HOWARD | PHOTOGRAPHY is my amateur photography web site. I post images that I have taken and share industry news and other useless information. KIRK HOWARD | PHOTOGRAPHY

    3) List 3 logo designs you really like & why: I like 3d logos
    Osocarras Photography
    Matt Kloskowski (that's klos?kow?ski) | Photoshop Guy and Professional Photographer
    Eric Shemtov Photography
    Joe McNally's Blog
    SnapFactory - Photography by Diane and Mark Wallace.

    4) Requested size of your logo:
    Do you need the final image in various sizes? (various resolutions)
    I need a format that will work for everything from the web to letterhead and posters. Including a favicon.

    5) Do you have any images/photos that can be used for the logo? (must be copyright free)
    I am sure I can come up with some. I have take many pictures over the years, I am sure we could find something.

    6) Any colors you prefer?
    I like high contrast colors. I don’t like fluorescent. I am fond of Black, red, gray 18% and white. I also like earth tones. I also like textures.
  2. GG

    GG Active Member

    You seem to be asking for a lot on this forum. So basically were doing all your work for you and chances are that you won't get any replies until you start helping out in the forum....
  3. KiHoPhoto

    KiHoPhoto New Member

    Good point... However, I do believe that this website does have the word free in the title. Now if I am not understanding this the purpose correctly, then I apologize.

    Second, I came to the website, because I am inept when it come to web graphics. I was hoping to get help from the experts that do frequent these forums. I am not sure what I can do to help. I will do my best to find where I can assist.
  4. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Free just click on the link for freewebsitetemplates. Templates that you can use to your hearts content, even call them your own.

    Then there is this Forum you posted in (not your first time) Request a logo customization
    Need to edit the logo but don't have photoshop to edit it. Post here and we will edit it for free.

    An then there is all the Asking and you never give back.
    Yep Free is in the Title
    It's a lot like everyone else - You just don't Read the words or don't understand them. Good point...
    For a guy who claims to be a photographer, one would think you your eye for detail would not have missed those basic points.
  5. KiHoPhoto

    KiHoPhoto New Member

    :confused:I am not here to debate any of you. What you say is true. Yes, I have come here and I am asking for a lot. I just thought I would throw ideas and requests to the wall and see what sticks.

    I am what you call a left brain thinker. I am very technical, a nut an bolts guy. I am not creative. I can't even make a stick figure look good. I came here for help and get some good ideas from the very creative contributors to this site/forum.

    This is the best I have done myself. As you can tell it isn't very good.


  6. RickyRobertsonPhoto

    RickyRobertsonPhoto New Member

    ROFL! Well put ish!
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