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Legacy Logo Request - Football club Logo: FC Adam+

Discussion in 'Archived' started by thaibq, Aug 24, 2011.

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  1. thaibq

    thaibq New Member

  2. modman

    modman VIP Member

    to speed up your request i think you should do the sticky
    and also have a look around and help others in the site
    for example website reviews

    until you have helped out here is a teaser
  3. thaibq

    thaibq New Member

    Dear Modman,
    Thank you for your support.
    I will follow your guide next time.
    I myseft made a logo by cutting and pasting...from many pictures. but it's not sharp and do not have layers to edit (Attached file)
    Please help me to make it with layers in psd file.
    thank you in advance!

    Attached Files:

  4. modman

    modman VIP Member

    yours looks nothing like that logo
    but again you need to help others in order to get help back

    Admins: maybe you should look into the persons need to make 10 posts min before they can request ?
  5. GG

    GG Active Member

    thaibq you should have mentioned that you was to create the logo yourself. If you request for us to create you a logo then go and make it yourself without telling us, that just wastes our time. Within that time we could have helped another member.

    As Modman mentioned above you need to help out around the forum in order to have your request done. Rules are mentioned in this post >> https://freewebsitetemplates.com/forum/f17/graphic-requests-must-read-14977/ << click the link

    Thanks :)
  6. thaibq

    thaibq New Member

    Thank you Modman & GG!
    I am sorry for being confused about ideas for our Logo (request 1 Logo in forum & make another one by myself) - and finally i choose my logo(the second one with 3 stars on top). Please help me with this choice after i be a good member of this forum.
    I will follow your guide, follow the Rules to help and get help back soon.
    Thank you once again!
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