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Legacy Logo Needed

Discussion in 'Archived' started by munirmusleh, Mar 22, 2008.

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  1. munirmusleh

    munirmusleh New Member

    I need a logo for our non profit organization. The logo is for our village that was destroyed during the 1948 war in Palestine. I really appreciate any help with this logo.
    We are looking to have the following if possible in the logo.

    The name of the Village is "Deir Tarif"
    We are looking to have an Olive tree with the logo.
    We are looking to use an Old key. Like the key in this pic http://www.arabiancreativity.com/key.jpg
    And the Palestinian Flag. This is the Palestinian flag http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikiped...alestine.svg/1024px-Flag_of_Palestine.svg.png
    We still dont have a website, i like the charity trust templete and i need to customize it. The website will be Deirtarif.org

    Thank you so much
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