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Legacy Logo needed

Discussion in 'Archived' started by pawellenart, Aug 17, 2005.

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  1. pawellenart

    pawellenart New Member


    I need logo for company


    I don't have got any idea, but i think the number 4 should be bigger than rest of letters!

    Sorry about my english! is not so well!! :eek:

  2. pawellenart

    pawellenart New Member

    com4U is an IT company!
  3. Coolio10

    Coolio10 Graphics Designer

    Ill do it

    Ill try to do it for you by tommorow:)
    1 person likes this.
  4. pawellenart

    pawellenart New Member

    thank You very much Coolio10 :)
  5. Coolio10

    Coolio10 Graphics Designer

    Finished It

    Tell me if you like it but if you dont tell me and ill change it.:)

  6. pawellenart

    pawellenart New Member

    sorry about this but i don't like it i don't know why but i thing number 4 can be bigger and U can be BIG, and com must be small!


    If you want you can change it but don't be mad on me!
  7. Coolio10

    Coolio10 Graphics Designer

    Ill Change It

    Ill make the Com Smaller & the 4 Bigger and the U Big:)
  8. pawellenart

    pawellenart New Member

    i think something like this

    com4U and 2 arc 1 from background 1 from forward, 1 higher and lower!
  9. Coolio10

    Coolio10 Graphics Designer

    Finished half of it

    Can you supply me with the arcs.

    I have finished editing the wording:)
  10. pawellenart

    pawellenart New Member

    Attached Files:

  11. pawellenart

    pawellenart New Member

    and U can be bigger
  12. pawellenart

    pawellenart New Member

    i can create a word, and You can create this arc ok??
  13. Coolio10

    Coolio10 Graphics Designer



    ill do that
  14. pawellenart

    pawellenart New Member

    have you got a email or something because my file don't fit tp this criteria?
  15. Coolio10

    Coolio10 Graphics Designer

  16. marc

    marc New Member

    I need a logo and a banner with logo

    Hi have launched a new website "www.dhaniweb.com" and my company's name is Dhani Computers dealing with Computer Sales, Assembly, Servicing, Multimedia, Webhosting and DTP. Please design me a flashy and eyecatchy logo. I will use it for both web and glow sign banner. the resolution must be good.

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