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Legacy Logo needed for startup business

Discussion in 'Archived' started by Matt23, Nov 28, 2009.

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  1. Matt23

    Matt23 New Member

    1) What is your website address (ex: http://site.com ; Site Name)?
    Virus Hunter (eventually virushunter.ie)

    2) Description of your website:
    If you visit the website it explains itself really. But its about computer Virus removal and prevention

    3 logo designs you really like & why:
    http://www.funny-football.co.uk/news/wp-content/uploads/arsenal-badge.jpg (cause they are my team, and I just think it looks really stylish) http://huskynet.stcloudstate.edu/software/titles/images/windows-7-logo.jpg (cause I'm a Windows guy, and its classic and to the point) http://vfb.theoffside.com/files/2009/11/champions-league-logo1.jpg (cause its instantly recognizable and looks great)

    4) Requested size of your logo: Doesn't matter much. As long as I can resize it and it not lose any quality

    5) Do you have any images/photos that can be used for the logo? Not really. I can't come up with any ideas. The name of the website (virushunter) should conjure up some great ideas for you though hopefully

    6) Any colors you prefer?
    As long as it fits with the website it will be fine.
  2. Matt23

    Matt23 New Member

  3. NJTechMedics

    NJTechMedics New Member

    This is different

    This isn't what you were imagining, but it's a neat idea

    Attached Files:

  4. Matt23

    Matt23 New Member

    I knew you guys were good..but wow!...just....wow! Lol

    I won't say I'm going to pick that one, as I'd like to see one or two others (maybe from other people) before I decide, but so far that is definitely the front-runner. :)
  5. HisDudeness

    HisDudeness New Member

    hey, how do you like this one?

    just a little idea ;)

    i can improve it if you want, or post the original size (1332*999 pixels).

    if you are going to use this one, you should mention on your website that the original image (here) was posted to flickr by the user named "lucamascaro" and is licensed under a CC-BY-SA license.
  6. Matt23

    Matt23 New Member

    Well so far I prefer the first one. The second one I don't really like the stop sign (or whatever its called). And it doesn't really fit with the website. So the first logo is still in the lead as it has all the qualities I'm looking for.

    Although NJTechMedics if there was a way to show a virus on that screen, that would make it perfect. Only problem is, how do you design an image of a computer virus thats identifiable...?
  7. NJTechMedics

    NJTechMedics New Member

    Some options

    I have some different ideas. I'm not at my desk, but I'll redraw it up when I get back.
  8. Matt23

    Matt23 New Member

    I look forward to it.
  9. NJTechMedics

    NJTechMedics New Member


    Now that I upload these, I probably would have added the Windows XP background rather than a BSOD. The whole BSOD was the original idea.

    Attached Files:

  10. Matt23

    Matt23 New Member

    Yeah, and I prefer the Biohazard one, but if you could maybe make it green instead. Also maybe you could have 3 computers. One with XP, one with Vista and one with Windows 7 (one maybe being a laptop). And maybe you could show the hunter taking aim at the XP, with Vista and Windows 7 next on the hit-list.
  11. NJTechMedics

    NJTechMedics New Member

    Lets Start

    Let's zone in on the computer and get that right, then we can work on a "hitlist" of sorts. What do you think of this?

    Attached Files:

  12. Matt23

    Matt23 New Member

  13. NJTechMedics

    NJTechMedics New Member


    I had that glow in there on purpose. My bad. So this is good? We can move on a hit list?

    Attached Files:

  14. Matt23

    Matt23 New Member

    Yeah. Thats great.
  15. NJTechMedics

    NJTechMedics New Member

    My Thought

    This is what I took from your idea. Am I on the right track? I think I like it more without the "Hit List"

    Attached Files:

  16. NJTechMedics

    NJTechMedics New Member

    Somewhere along the line I lost the cross hairs as the dot of the I. Do you want it back?
  17. Matt23

    Matt23 New Member

    Thats not what I had in mind. I meant for the logo to be looking over the shoulders of the hunter, and taking aim at 1 PC (that has XP), and two more in the row are next. One has Vista, one has Windows 7 and one is a laptop. This is what I mean


    and with the words Virus Hunter where the words Duck Shoot is in that picture.
  18. NJTechMedics

    NJTechMedics New Member

    Like this?

    Like this? Maybe will a bullseye?

    Attached Files:

  19. Matt23

    Matt23 New Member

    What I mean is you can see the hunter. I have included a very, very basic mockup of what I'm envisioning. But maybe with a bullseye in between the words Virus and Hunter.


    Or maybe this would be better


    The computers are flying like birds and the hunter is in the rushes.
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